POINTS OF CONTACT MEDIUMS TRANSFER STATIONS Home Phone (Landline) Cell Phone Satellite Phone POINTS OF CONTACT Communication Satellite Telephone Wires Radio Waves MEDIUMS Mobile Telephone Switching Office Local Switching Center Cell Tower + Coverage Area TRANSFER STATIONS
TELECOMMUNICATIONS GAME Teams of 9 or 10 ideally. Taking turns, groups come to the front of the room and are handed out a card with either a Point of Contact, Transfer Station, or Medium on it (face down). At the start, a type of call is shown on the board (ex. cell phone to cell phone), and participants turn over their card and then assemble the group in the order in which the call must be made. The group is timed on their arrangement, and the times are added to give the team their final score. Each cardholder may use their card more than once (ex. being the cell phone on both ends of the call line).
TELECOMMUNICATIONS GAME 10 seconds is added for each incorrect step in the call line assembly. In a random round, talking will be disallowed. 5 second penalty for speaking.
Communication Satellite Mobile Telephone Switching Office Cell Phone Communication Satellite Mobile Telephone Switching Office Cell Tower + Coverage Area Home Phone (Landline) Telephone Wires Local Switching Center Satellite Phone Radio Waves
Calls Cell phone to Landline Landline to Landline Satellite phone to Landline Cell phone to Satellite phone Cell phone to Cell phone Landline phone to Cell phone Satellite phone to Cell phone
Calls (cont.) Cell phone to Satellite phone Satellite phone to Landline Cell phone to Cell phone Landline to Cell phone Cell phone to Landline Landline to Landline Satellite phone to Cell phone Landline to Satellite phone
FINAL ROUND NO MEDIUMS CARDS NEEDED Landline to Cell phone to Satellite phone Satellite phone to Cell phone to Landline Cell Phone to Satellite Phone to Landline