Sustaining a long-term monitoring project: Lessons from the Nicolet National Forest Bird Survey Robert W. Howe Cofrin Center for Biodiversity, Department of Natural and Applied Sciences University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Nicolet National Forest Bird Survey longoing since 1987 lvolunteer based l522 points l36,000+ records Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service, NE Wisconsin Audubon Society, and Wisconsin Society for Ornithology
Ron Austing 181 species recorded during 10 minute counts 504 participants 14,400 wood ticks removed from forest etc., etc.
11+ Master’s theses, 16 + published articles/chapters, > 500 participants
Habitat Associations
Bird Population Models
Population Trends Swainson’s Thrush
Important Bird Areas
Upland Forest Species Black-throated Green Warbler Eastern Wood-Pewee Least Flycatcher Scarlet Tanager CARTLinear Regression
Why has the NNF Bird Survey been successful?
Northern Wisconsin: A Globally Significant Bird Area
Field Experts