Accelerator Training Course Course Objectives: Set a standard or baseline for training of service personnel Addresses the need for better credentials Comply with CNSC training recommendations as outlined in document C200-e
Accelerator Training Course Target Audience New service personnel (electronics) Physics Residents
Accelerator Training Course Learning Objectives Fundamental understanding of Accelerator engineering principles, electronics, microwaves, feedback systems & radiation Safety Quality Assurance
Accelerator Training Course Pre-requisites The course is targeted towards new employees with no prior background Good understanding of electronics technology is preferred, but not essential Some prior training is useful
Accelerator Training Course Evaluation There is a quiz with 20 questions at the end of the course “Open book” Answers taken up as a group Certificate of Attendance
Lab 1: Beam Output
Linac Console Simulator
Lab 2: Beam Optimization Students adjust the beam steering system for best symmetry, take scans with a water tank and finally set the monitor-unit calibration.
Part 3: Hazardous Adjustments Discuss possible hazards on the machine that may compromise quality of treatment, or safety of the patient or operator. Identify critical components in the machine Safety Interlocks Known Incidents Draws on AAPM Report 56
Linac School courses given to date: First course held at Michener Institute Toronto 2005 Princess Margaret Hospital 2006, 2008, 2010 Ottawa Hospital 2007 L. Richard Oncology Centre Moncton NB 2007 Sunnybrooke – Odette Cancer Centre Toronto 2010 Newmarket Cancer Centre 2010
Course Transferred to ATec program at University Health Network, Toronto First ATec course held at UHN 2011 Princess Margaret Hospital March 2012 Next course PMH April 2013