Why should my child learn Spanish? By: Amanda Albright, Proud Teacher at W.T. Woodson High School Fairfax County Public Schools By: Mari Albright, Proud Teacher at Westlake High School Eanes ISD
The facts in this presentation came from the following sources: www.about.com www.spanish-school.com www.studyspanish.com www.fcps.edu
Why should my child learn Spanish? Reason #10: Spanish is popular (and useful!!) for people living in the United States. A. Half of the western hemisphere speaks Spanish. B. Spanish is the second most common language in the United States. C. As of July 1, 2005, there are 42.7 million Hispanics in the US; this is the 5th largest population of Hispanics in the world. D. In 2015, we will have 50 million Hispanics in the US. E. In 2050, it is projected that 100 million Hispanics will live in the United States. F. With more Spanish-speakers living in the US, more employers will require the fluency in Spanish for applicants. If a potential employee knows Spanish, they will have a “leg up” in the application process. G. By being bilingual, we can get to know our mono-lingual Spanish-speaking neighbors or can help mono-lingual Spanish-speakers when they need it.
Why should my child learn Spanish? Reason #9: Spanish is popular abroad. In Europe, Spanish is the 2nd most common language to learn, after English. Spanish is the 4th most commonly spoken language in the world, after English, Chinese, and Hindustani. Over 400 million people world-wide are Spanish-speakers. Businesses at home and abroad may start requiring employees to know Spanish. Why not start while in high school?
Why should my child learn Spanish? Reason #8: To gain a better understanding of the student’s first language. “He who knows no foreign language knows nothing of his own,” said Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, novelist, scientist (1749-1832). By studying Spanish in high school, a student will study parts of speech and be able to make comparisons between the second (third) language and their native tongue. This can prompt intellectual curiosity and can even help scores on SAT type exams.
Why should my child learn Spanish? Reason #7: So they can assist their Spanish-speaking neighbors and community members: With directions to local shops In medical (and other) emergencies Understand American politics, culture, history and values
Why should my child learn Spanish? Reason #6: To broaden one’s literary experiences. By learning Spanish, a student is able to read newspapers, poetry, magazines, novels, comic books, and more! Reading in two languages increases a student’s reading comprehension, and some would even say imagination.
Why should my child learn Spanish? Reason #5: To gain cultural understanding and an appreciation for cultural diversity. A. FCPS Strategic Goal for Students: ESSENTIAL LIFE SKILLS All students will demonstrate the aptitude, attitude, and skills to lead responsible, fulfilling, and respectful lives. Working in partnership with school and family, students will: 2.1. Demonstrate honesty, responsibility, and leadership: 2.1.4. Respect people, property, and authority. 2.1.5. Act responsibly toward others, including respect for cross-cultural differences and perspectives. B. FCPS Strategic Goal for Students: ACADEMICS All students will obtain, understand, analyze, communicate, and apply knowledge and skills to achieve success in school and in life. Students will: 1.2. Communicate in at least two languages. 1.4. Understand the interrelationship and interdependence of the countries and cultures of the world.
Why should my child learn Spanish? Reason #4: To broaden social circles! “The limits of my language are the limits of my universe,” said Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. More language = More communication = More diverse friendships/relationships = More fulfilling personal experiences.
Why should my child learn Spanish? Reason #3: So they can successfully communicate and maneuver throughout Spanish-speaking countries. They can participate in leisure travel now and throughout their lives. They can study abroad in college (or in high school!)…what an experience!
Why should my child learn Spanish? Reason #2: For their future schooling or careers. Most 4 year colleges and universities require a minimum of 2 years of foreign language study in high school. If 2 years are not “required,” they are “strongly recommended” by most schools. Note: Students can get into college without high school foreign language credits! They may have to go to a private school, out of state, or begin at a community college, but it is possible! For students who will begin their career immediately after completing high school, Spanish is a great language to know and can help them on-the job!
Why should my child learn Spanish? Reason #1: Because languages by their very nature require deeper thought and application of knowledge. It’s a challenge, but it’s also very rewarding!
My beliefs as a Spanish teacher… I choose to teach Spanish because I feel that it is a skill that benefits (and will continue to benefit) students in their jobs, personal lives and academic futures. I believe that people who are multilingual have more opportunities than their monolingual comrades. I realize how important it is to know Spanish to businesses, communities, and schools. I believe that all students can learn Spanish and should, given current and future statistical data and predictions.
What I will do for your students to help them learn Spanish… I will teach the curriculum with patience and persistence. I will encourage students to communicate in Spanish with me, with each other, and with their families and friends. I will explain the material in multiple ways, as to try to touch a variety of learning styles. I will assess student progress fairly and give feedback in a variety of ways. I will interact respectfully with my students. I will foster and maintain a positive, safe learning environment by enforcing school rules (Honor Code, Responsible Use Guidelines for Technology, dress code…) I will work hard!
So the ultimate goal of learning Spanish can be achieved, I need students… To display a positive attitude each day. To prepare for each class by completing homework and studying old and new material. To participate in discussions, reviews and activities. To incorporate honesty and integrity in their daily actions and with all course work (HONOR CODE). To respectfully interact with others (speaking, writing, non-verbal communication). To use technology in the classroom for educational purposes ONLY. To communicate with me when they are having difficulty. To work hard! To be patient with themselves!
How can you help your child be successful in Spanish? Check Blackboard. Make sure students have completed homework and are ready for upcoming quizzes/tests/presentations. Help your students study. Make flash cards and make sure students know vocabulary. Ask your students what they are currently studying and to teach you something about it. If needed, get a tutor to work with your students regularly (once per week is suggested). Free tutoring is available through the Spanish National Honor Society. I have a list of professional tutors if you need it. Provide culturally related experiences outside of school so your student can practice what they are learning. Travel! Restaurants! Shows! Email me from time-to-time for updates on progress.
Let’s have a great year!!