“Full Circle” Communication Monthly Supervisor Meeting Incident/Accident Communication
Supervisor Meeting Notes Each supervisor is expected to take notes at the Monthly Supervisor Meeting They are expected to communicate the notes to their employees via safety meeting within 5 days of attending the Monthly Supervisor Meeting Employees then sign the Monthly Supervisor Meeting Notes page The supervisors maintains a copy and the original is sent to the EH&S department
Process Benefits The process shows management what information was captured and communicated Individuals and the number of employees receiving the information Level of supervisor engagement Notes are tracked and feedback is given to the Superintendents Measurement for “Outstanding Foreman” Recognition
Root Cause Analysis Exercise Each employee is given a copy of the Root Cause Analysis diagram developed during the incident investigation. They are asked to read through flow chart, review the Corrective Actions then identify the Root Cause and Contributing Factors. The exercise is completed when the Safety Technician or the Foreman reviews the RCA diagram and informs the employees of company's R0ot Cause, Contributing Factors and Corrective Action. Each completed RCA Exercise is collected and tracked.
Process Benefits Documented Communication of the incident/accident and Corrective Action to each employee Educate employees on incident/accident sequence and root causes Management receives feedback on how each employee would prevent this from happening