Start The School Year With dōTERRA Essential Oils! dōTERRA
(Oil sacs on peppermint leaf) WHAT IS AN ESSENTIAL OIL? Natural aromatic compounds found in plants Steam distilled or cold pressed extraction Powerful, safe benefits without side effects (Oil sacs on peppermint leaf)
Aromatic ESSENTIAL OIL USES Diffuse in a room to: Impact mood Open airways Cleanse environment ©2009 dōTERRA INTERNATIONAL,LLC
Topical ESSENTIAL OIL USES Apply directly to skin for systemic or localized effects
ESSENTIAL OIL USES INTERNAL In an Empty Capsule Under your tongue In a glass of water or juice In a teaspoon with honey
The Popularity and Increased Market Usage for Essential Oils has Created Synthetic Dominance
That 95 Percent of The Chemicals Used in Synthetic Fragrances are Known Toxins and Synthesizers Capable of Causing Cancer, Birth Defects, Central Nervous System Disorders and Allergic Reactions A 1986 Report by The National Academy Of Sciences A 1986 report by the National Academy of Sciences reports that 95 percent of the chemicals used in synthetic fragrances are derived from petroleum and include benzene derivatives, aldehydes and many other known toxins and synthesizers capable of causing cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders and allergic reactions.
What Makes an Oil Impure Enhancement of Compounds Removal of Compounds Addition of Compounds Synthetic Variants Impurities Blending With Inferior Grades Of Oil In the perfume and food industry monoterpenes have little value and so they are most often reduced or completely eliminated this is a great example of how oils cane be altered
Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™
Oil Potentcy Sourcing Chemical Analysis Oil Purity Habitat Cultivation Extraction Organoleptic MicroBiological Heavy Metal Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry FTIR Our competitive advantage with the essential oils is our ability to source the essential oils. It is not the chemical profiling that defines cptg. While that is an important aspect it is not defining it is the sourcing that makes us unique Sourcing is the potency of the oil while Chemical analysis is the purity of the oil
Indigenous Plants From Around the World
Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ dōTERRA is Defining and Protecting the Quality of Essential Oils for the Benefit of the World
dōTERRA does not prevent, treat, or cure disease. Your lifestyle choices can help prevent disease. Your doctor treats symptoms and fixes broken parts. Your body cures disease! 13
Mental Clarity and Focus Enhanced Immunity Proper Rest Mental Clarity and Focus
Establish Daily Routines
dōTERRA Internal Immune Defense External Immune Defense PB Assist+ OnGuard Throat Lozenges dōTERRA
Healthy Populations of Flora Increases Primary Immunity dōTERRA
dōTERRA Internal Immune Defense External Immune Defense PB Assist+ On Guard+ On Guard Hand Wash On Guard Essential Oil On Guard Throat Lozenges On Guard Cleaner Concentrate dōTERRA
Be a Germ Stopper dōTERRA
dōTERRA Wild Orange Clove Cinnamon Eucalyptus Rosemary Eucalyptus was able to stimulate cell mediated response. Clove was able to stimulate both a humoral and a cell-mediated response. The research is suggestive that essential oil are immune regulating agents Clove essential oil increased white blood cells counts and regulated both humoral and cell mediated immunity Ginger essential oil also stimulated cell-mediated immune responses dōTERRA
Back to School Dr. David Hill
Every Desktop, Pencil Sharpener, Doorknob and Faucet an Infected Child Touches Becomes Colonized With Germs! Nearly 22 million school days are lost annually due to the spread of germs at school dōTERRA
Wellness = Building Immunity “Our immune systems are the first line of defense against diseases and viruses” --Dr. David Hill Prevention On Guard Cinnamon Frankincense Oregano Thyme Life Long Vitality Pack On Guard Throat Drops
Apply On Guard to the Feet Use the aromatouch technique Apply On Guard to the Feet dōTERRA
Use Internally at First Sign of illness Diffuse In the Home Use Internally at First Sign of illness dōTERRA
On Guard on the GO!! dōTERRA
Wellness = Fighting off Germs Oils to use for Immune Support On Guard Cinnamon Frankincense On Guard Throat Drops Lemon Oregano Thyme
Individuals Who Experience Insufficient Sleep Have an Increased Incidence of Illness Why do I Have to go to Bed? dōTERRA
The Average Sleep Requirement for Students is Well Over Eight Hours According to Stanford University the following in formation applies All Lost Sleep Accumulates Progressively as a Larger and Larger Sleep Indebtedness dōTERRA
Morning Routine Nightly Routine Apply Balance to Bottom of Feet, the Temples and Base of Skull - Diffuse - Use in Bath - Apply to Feet and Spine Balance has Blue Spruce, Rosewood, frankincense and Blue Tansy Apply balance at the same time you apply On Guard with the aromatouch.
dōTERRA Lavender Marjoram Roman Chamomile Ylang ylang Sandalwood Vanilla dōTERRA
Mental Clarity and Focus dōTERRA
dōTERRA Diffuse Peppermint and Citrus Bliss While Studying Premix a Small Bottle of Peppermint and Citrus Bliss to be Used at School dōTERRA
dōTERRA Product Categories Essential Oils Wellness Spa Living
ALPHA CRS+ Cellular Longevity Blend Cellular Energy Blend CELLULAR VITALITY COMPLEX Cellular Longevity Blend Cellular Energy Blend LIFELONG VITALITY PROGRAM
80% of the Brain and 70% of the Myelin Sheath are Fatty Acids When cells in the human body and the human brain are deprived of the correct essential fatty acid they need to grow and function the cells builds replacement fatty acids that are similar but in reality are harmful to the cells. Individuals with depression and attention deficit disorder have higher levels of replacement fatty acids in their cells The working surface of your brain is made of fatty acids. 60% of your brain by weight is composed of fatty acids and 70% of the myelin sheath is composed of fatty acids Discuss trans fats and the harm that they create in the body. This is by far the largest class of replacement fatty acids. dōTERRA
EO Mega™ Essential Oil Omega Complex Marine Flaxseed Oil Pomegranate Seed Oil Evening Primrose Oil Cranberry Seed Oil See the article alpha linolenic acid an unappreciated omega-3 for why land and sea based omega 3s dōTERRA
Astaxanthin Carotenoid Clinically-supported ASTAPURE® Circulatory antioxidant protection Passes the blood/brain barrier Muscle strength & endurance Supports immune function Astaxanthin holds superior antioxidant activity and has an ability to support and maintain natural inflammatory response. Additionally, scientific research has proven that astaxanthin is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and the central nervous system better than many other antioxidants. And more! LIFELONG VITALITY PROGRAM
Nanosomal Lipid Assimilation System™ LIFELONG VITALITY PROGRAM
MICROPLEX VMz Essential Minerals Essential Vitamins FOOD NUTRIENT COMPLEX Essential Minerals Essential Vitamins LIFELONG VITALITY PROGRAM
Protein matrix Nutrient Yeast LIFELONG VITALITY PROGRAM
All-Natural Supplement Vitamins & minerals in food matrix Whole-food blend with trace minerals Patented enzyme delivery system Tummy Tamer blend (30 mg) SLS-free vegetable capsules No wheat, dairy, or animal products LIFELONG VITALITY PROGRAM
dōTERRA LIFELONG VITALITY PACK Cellular Longevity Blend Essential Fatty Acids Essential Vitamins Cellular Energy Blend CPTG Essential Oils Essential Minerals dōTERRA
“I am more focused” “I get sick less often” “I have more energy” “I have less pain” “I get sick less often” “I am sleeping better” “I am less anxious” Common comments on our products include: “I am more focused” “My doctor wants to know what I am doing”
CLINICALLY-SUPPORTED BENEFITS: Cellular Longevity/Lifespan* Cellular Inflammatory Response * Cellular Energy/Metabolism * Powerful DNA Protection * Network Antioxidant Defense * Immune System Support * Stress Management * Cardiovascular Health * Bone and Joint Health * Brain/Cognitive Health * Digestive Health, and more… In talking about doTERRA’s Lifelong Vitality Program, you can see there are many benefits that consumers will realize when taking the LLV supplements on a regular basis. Although they are all important, you can really key in on three main benefits that contribute to all of the others. First, the cellular longevity that results from a wide array of potent and targeted antioxidants. Second, these products will help support a healthy inflammatory response in the body. And third, powerful energy co-factors will help with energy production at the cellular level WITHOUT stimulants. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. LIFELONG VITALITY PROGRAM © 2010 dōTERRA Holdings, LLC, Unauthorized duplication prohibited
dōTERRA Loyalty Rewards Optional Program Earn Free Product Credits Monthly (No Limit!) Receive a FREE Product with your monthly order if placed by the 15th of each month and if the order total is 125 PV or greater. Flexible dates (1st – 28th) Select the product of your choice. Qualify of extra bonuses. Explain that Autoship is: Optional Flexible Rewarding because you earn FREE products every month.
Decide which option meets your needs and get started!
Start the School Year off Right With dōTERRA Essential Oils!
Back to School Essentials! Essential Oil Solutions To Help Protect Your Tots and Teens From Whatever Is Going Around!
Boosting Immunity in our Children
Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract First line of defense against viruses, fungi, bacteria, and toxins 70% of immune function in body! Surface area of intestine equivalent to a tennis court! ©2009 dōTERRA INTERNATIONAL,LLC
Boost Immunity Internally PB Assist + Helps to inhibit growth of unhealthy bacteria, yeast, and other organisms Helps build up healthy flora Supports healthy digestive functions Supports healthy immunities Supports healthy GI Tract
PB Assist + 5 Billion Live Strains per Capsule Six Different Strains of Microorganisms 30 capsules per bottle Time Release system Safe for Entire Family!
Boost Immunity Internally ON GUARD THROAT LOZENGES Contains wild orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, rosemary, and myrrh essential oils Soothing to the Throat Help fight off Germs Builds Immunity Anti-Microbial
Boost Immunity Externally ON GUARD ESSENTIAL OIL Rub on bottom of feet as a great preventative Diffuse in a room to eliminate airborne pathogens Dilute in spray bottle to clean doorknobs, telephones, and other community surfaces Take several drops in an empty gelatin capsule for added immune support
Boost Immunity Externally ON GUARD HAND WASH & Cleaner Concentrate Have on Hand! Wipe your keyboard and computer mouse. Use to wipe of germs on a desk Wipe your Phone Wash hands to prevent the spreading of germs 99.99% effective in killing germs
Bed Time Help with Serenity! SERENITY ESSENTIAL OIL Diffuse in Room 1 hour before going to sleep Spray on a Pillow Rub on Spine—nice back rub Rub on Bottom of feet Add a few drops to the tub Aids anxiety and emotional distress “Individuals who have insufficient sleep have higher incidence of illness”
Waking Up with Balance! BALANCE ESSENTIAL OIL Great Morning Routine Helps Alleviate Anxiety Rub on base of scull, temples and feet Helps to relax and balancing to the nervous system Great stress reliever Works as a stabilizer throughout the day
Improving Mental Clarity and Focus CITRUS BLISS AND PEPPERMINT Rub on Temples, brain stem and forehead Helps to enliven our mind, and invigorate our senses Calming and Soothing Can improve patterns of memory Diffuse this combination during study to improve a child’s ability to focus and for mental clarity Mix in a roll on bottle or spray bottle for use during day
Your Kids Need You… Keep Yourself and your Family Healthy Every Day! Preventative healthcare means creating a daily habit of physical and emotional well being! Stay strong…naturally!
CHOOSE TO: Empower yourself to care for your family Provide care appropriate to each family member Enjoy tender bonding moments Be prepared with natural defense So, in summary today… You have a CHOICE in how you take care of your health and the health of your family. Choose to empower yourself to take healthy actions with dōTERRA essential oils. Apply the right oil solution to each need through learning more about the oils. Connect with those you love as you apply the oils. And help yourselves by building your natural immunity. ©2009 dōTERRA INTERNATIONAL,LLC
you can be prepared as the kids head back to school! With dōTERRA, you can be prepared as the kids head back to school! So as you can see, with doTERRA, you are in control.
One of the Best Tools You Will Need!
How to Purchase Customer Wholesale Membership Purchases products at full retail price No commitment or obligation Wholesale Membership $35 Membership or Enrollment Kit Purchase required 25% discount from retail
doTERRA Loyalty Rewards Program Free Product! Completely Optional Flexible dates Product of the Month Club-- $125pv before the 15th! Most people choose to take advantage of it $100 pv monthly LRP order also qualifies you for commissions