Georgia: LG Monitoring and Project Impact Evaluation Washington DC, 23 March, 2015 David Labadze – LG Monitoring Expert David Egiashvili – LGAF Country Coordinator Denys Nizalov – Land Monitoring Coordinator, Kyiv School of Economics Kateryna Chmelova – Data Analyst 1
Background for Land Governance Monitoring LGAF – 2011; LGAF Update 2012; Pilot implementation of Land Governance Monitoring System – 2013; Retrospective monitoring of Land Governance – ; Land Governance Monitoring System – 2013; 2
Monitoring Indicators A.Number (and prices where possible) of registered transactions of different types – ( ); B.Receipts of land tax revenue – ( ); C.Share of communal, private, and state land mapped – (2013); D.Cases of expropriation and privatization – (2013); E.Number of land-related conflicts in the courts – ( ); F.Share of agricultural/residential land registered and mapped in women’s/men’s name or in joint ownership – ( ); 3 Note: Pilot Implementation (2013) ; Retrospective update ( )
Data Sources 4 Note: Pilot Implementation (2013) ; Retrospective update ( ) National Agency of Public Registry Land Inventory (2006) Land Cadaster ( ) Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property ( ) Court (from District Level) ( ); Neighbor disputes Immovable property ownership Lease, agricultural land lease Mortgage Inheritance-related disputes, etc. Revenue Service ( ) Land and real estate tax revenues by municipalities Road Department (Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development) (2013);
Group A. Number and prices of registered transactions 5
* 2012 is adjusted for number of transactions of ownership registration of agricultural land connected with the reform of 2012 (472,446 transactions ) 6 Indicator A. Number of Land and Real Estate Transactions Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property ( ) total 000 pop % of all trans total 000 pop % of all trans total 000 pop % of all trans total 000 pop % of all trans Linear Objects3, , , , Real Estate212, , , , Agricultural Land158, , , , Non-agricultural Land 110, , , , Total483, , , ,
Region Housing (%) Agr (%) non-agr (%) Housing (%) Agr (%) non-agr (%) Tbilisi Ajara A.R Guria Imereti Kakheti Mtskheta-Mtianeti Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Samtskhe-Javakheti Kvemo Kartli Shida Kartli Georgia Regional distribution of transactions 7 Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property ( ) Indicator A.
8 Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property ( )
9 Agricultural Average and Median Sale Price Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property ( ) Indicator A.
10 Non-Agricultural Average and Median Sale Price Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property ( ) Indicator A.
Non-agricultural land Agricultural land Housing Median Price per Sq. M, real USD *Corrected for outliers Indicator A. Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property ( )
Agricultural Land Sale Median Prices and Total Revenue Indicator A. Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property ( ) Median prices (USD per HA) Total Revenue (per 1000 of population)
Non-Agricultural Land Sale Median Prices and Total Revenue Indicator A. Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property ( ) Median prices (USD per HA) Total Revenue (per 1000 of population)
14 *Total area includes land sold to organizations Area (HA) sold by Citizenship of owners, Agricultural land Indicator A. Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property ( )
15 Area (HA) sold by Citizenship of owners, Non-Agricultural land *Total area includes land sold to organizations Indicator A. Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property ( )
16 Average Price by Citizenship of owners, Agricultural land Non- Agricultural land Housing USD/ha USD/sqm Native77,016834, Foreign151,3551,083, * Difference in means is statistically significant Indicator A. Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property (2011- Sept 2014)
17 Group B. Receipts of land tax revenue
Taxes, Indicator B. Data: Revenue Service (2014) Agricultural LandNon-Agricultural Land Regions Tax payers Declared # of parcels Declared area (HA) Taxes collected (1000 GEL) Tax payers Declared # of parcels Declared area (HA) Taxes collected (1000 GEL) Ajara A.R Apkhazeti A.R Guria Imereti Kakheti Kvemo Kartli Mtskheta Racha- Lechkhumi Samegrelo- Zemo Svaneti Samtskhe- Javakheti Shida Kartli Tbilisi Total
Taxes (in GEL) and Area (in HA), Indicator B. Data: Revenue Service ( )
20 Group C. Share of communal, private, and state land mapped
Land area by category CategoryArea (Ha)% Residential33,2001% Industry92,0002% Agriculture1,600,00039% Pasture899,00022% Wood and forestry890,00021% Public12,0000% Infrastructure58,6001% Water70,3002% Other422,00010% No visible use64,6002% Total (Georgia)4,141,700100% 21 Indicator C. * For inventoried territories Data: land inventory,
22 Group D. Cases of expropriation and privatization
Cases of Expropriation, 2013 NameNumber Rate (GEL per Sq.M) Area (Ha) Ajara A.R Imereti Shida Kartli Total (Georgia) Indicator D. Data: Road Department (Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development) (2013)
Non- agricultural land #of parcels8741, area (HA) Agricultural land #of parcels2,1176, area (HA)26, , , Real Estate#of transactions4841, Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property ( ) Cases of Privatization, Indicator D.
25 Group E. Number of land- related conflicts in the courts
Dispute Cases in District (City) Courts 26 Indicator E. Data: Court (2014) Regions Cases started % of total per 000 of popul. Accepted Rejected Unconsidered Terminated Archieved Appealed Cases closed Closed/ Started cases Tbilisi Ajara A.R Guria Imereti Kakheti Mtskheta-Mtianeti Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti Samtskhe-Javakheti Kvemo Kartli Shida Kartli Apkhazeti A.R.30.06n\a Total (Georgia)
Dynamics of Dispute Cases in Courts 27 Indicator E. Data: Court ( )
Group F. Share of agricultural/residential land registered and mapped in women’s and men’s name and in joint property In progress: NAPR has linked the Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property and CRA DB’s and imported the gender information. 28 Indicator F.
29 Agricultural Land Parcels by Owners Indicator F.
30 Residential Land Parcels by Owners Indicator F.
31 Average Price by gender of buyer, Agricultural land Non-Agricultural land Housing USD/ha USD/sqm Female101,264865, Male63,201702, Organizations10,171304,0471,060 The differences in average prices are statistically significant Data: Registry of Real Estate and Immovable Property (2011- Sept 2014) Indicator F.
Stakeholders Workshops Tbilisi World Bank Regional Office 32
A.Number (and prices where possible) of registered transactions of different types; B.Receipts of land tax revenue; C.Share of communal, private, and state land mapped; D.Cases of expropriation and privatization; E.Number of land-related conflicts in the courts; F.Share of agricultural/residential land registered and mapped in women’s/men’s name or in joint ownership; 33 Monitoring Indicators for Sakrebulo Level
Project Impact Evaluation Retrospective monitoring of pilot sakrebulos; Retrospective monitoring of neighbor sakrebulos (raions); Quarterly monitoring sakrebulos during and after project implementation; Comparative analysis for project impact evaluation; 34
Next Steps Better engagement of Stakeholders and providers of information; Involving decision makers; Start Project Impact Evaluation; Development of analytical and dissemination of results; Short and long term development of monitoring system; 35
Thank you for your attention David Labadze LGAF Data Expert – David Egiashvili LGAF Country Coordinator - Denys Nizalov Land Monitoring Coordinator, Kyiv School of Economics – Kateryna Chmelova Data Analyst - 36