Our Father in heaven, may your name be honoured, May your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Boyarka, Ukraine
Pray for children who have to live on the streets Many children are living on the streets for a lot of reasons. For example: Their parents don’t have enough money to feed them Some children are scared to go home because their parents hit them When children live on the streets, they might be forced to do a lot of bad things like steal so they can buy food to eat Please pray for children who live on the streets. Pray that God will take care of them and give them good homes to live in.
Pray for children who are being forced to work In some countries people kidnap children and sell them for money. Children are forced to work and can’t play or go to school Children who are sold, tricked or kidnapped are made to work really hard or are harmed by other adults More and more children every year are being harmed in this way Please pray that God will protect children from being sold, kidnapped or tricked. Also pray that other children might be rescued from these situations.
Pray for children who are orphaned There are many children in the world who don’t have a mum or dad Children lose their parents because their parents get really sick or hurt Some children have to stop going to school to take care of their little brothers and sisters Please pray that God will watch over children who do not have parents. Pray that He will bring people to love them and take care of them.
Choose one of these prayer activities to pray for children: Shout out as many names and characteristics of God as you can think of and have one person in your group write them down on a big piece of paper. Then think about what each of these could mean to a child who is suffering Put pictures of the following things in different parts of the room: -Food (the need for food) -A school building (the need to learn) -A house (the need for a place to call home) -A family (the need for loving families) Visit each part of the room and pray for children who do not have the things that these items represent Using a world map or globe, choose a country and pray for children in that country