By: Sean M. Mangold Audience: The Whole Population
Exercise 30 Minutes a day, 3 days a week will vastly improve your health and get you fit. Make it easy and do an activity you loved to do as a kid such as a basketball.
Make exercise fun part of your day to clear you mind and be with friends. Exercise does not have to be a task
A great full body work out that has minimal stress on joints is Swimming. There is resistance to any motion in the water, working every muscle.
Cardiovascular Strength Cardiovascular Endurance Burn Fat
This Pyramid is from It shows the Balanced Diet per Day
Very Popular form of exercise is Weight lifting, resistance training.
Chest and Triceps Back Bicep and legs Shoulders, Abdominals, with Cardio
Bench Press Incline Bench Close grip bench Flies
Scull Crushers Triceps Extension Diamond pushups
Dumbbell Row Seated Row Back extension Lat Pull Down
Hammer Curls Dumbbell Curls Reverse Grip Curls
Back Squat Front Squat Lunges Leg Extensions
Three Way Deltoid Shoulder Shrugs Military Press
Power Abs Bicycle Crunches Planks
Run!! Elliptical Get active and play basketball
Especially: Football Ice Hockey Baseball Basketball
It is an Olympic Lift that exercises raw Power Using an Olympic Bar you clean to your chin catch it on your shoulders and then front squat. 92B-Rf4&feature=related
Description: Drop down to push up then bring knee’s into chest so your feet are on the floor. Next you EXPLODE up into the air Example: A_lmkHM
Description: Start on you hands in the push up position Next you bring one knee to you chest as your opposite leg straightens.