The Second & Third Commandments


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Presentation transcript:

The Second & Third Commandments Confirmed in the Faith Series B Lesson 11

The Second Commandment Love for God’s Name

Everything that stands for God. What Is God’s Name? Everything that stands for God.

What God’s People DON’T Want To Do Use God’s name in vain, that is, uselessly, carelessly, or for an evil purpose. By cursing (wishing evil from God on someone or something) By blaspheming (mocking God) By swearing (taking an oath) falsely or unnecessarily

What God’s People DON’T Want To Do Use God’s name in vain, that is, uselessly, carelessly, or for an evil purpose. By turning to superstition (trusting something other than God’s Word) By teaching false doctrine (teaching against the Bible) By hypocrisy (pretending to be a believer, deceiving people)

What God Wants To See in His People Sincere prayer Joyful praise and thanksgiving Praising Jesus to others (witnessing)

Why God’s Children Love To Use God’s Name Rightly God revealed His name to save us. We therefore love Him and His holy name. We want others to love Him too.

Love for God’s Word and Worship The Third Commandment Love for God’s Word and Worship

Words To Know Sabbath = rest Keep holy = set apart for sacred use, for God’s purposes

What God Requires That we set apart time for Him, His Word, and His worship. To get spiritual rest through forgiveness To gladly hear and learn His Word To assemble with fellow believers To publicly worship and serve Him

Why God’s Children Love God’s Word & God’s Day We want spiritual rest in Christ. We want to grow in grace and Bible knowledge. We want to serve one another. We want to publicly praise God before others.

What is the Right Day for Worship? A) Saturday B) Sunday C) Any day

What is the Right Day for Worship? C) Any day Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration of a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things to come; the reality however, is found in Christ. Colossians 2:16-17

Is it OK to work on Sunday?

How should I behave in church?

How can I get the most out of a sermon? Pray Get good night’s sleep Eat before church Sit towards the front of church Look at sermon text during sermon Take notes Get a copy of the sermon

The Order of Service GATHERING Opening Hymn Confession of Sins & Absolution “Glory Be To God On High” Prayer of the Day

The Order of Service THE WORD First Lesson (Old Testament Reading) Psalm of the Day Second Lesson (New Testament Reading) Gospel Hymn of the Day Sermon Creed Prayer of the Church & Lord’s Prayer

The Order of Service THE SACRAMENT (HOLY COMMUNION) Preface “Holy, Holy, Holy” Words of Institution “O Christ, Lamb of God” Distribution & Hymn(s)

The Order of Service SENDING “Song of Simeon” Prayer Blessing Closing Hymn

The Church Year Advent = Jesus’ first coming Christmas = Jesus is here! Epiphany = Jesus reveals Himself as God’s Son Lent = Jesus suffered & died for us Easter = Jesus rose from the dead Pentecost = The Holy Spirit grows the Church End Times = Jesus’ second coming