Introducing the WaterMagnet® David Clum Aqua-Sorb Products, LLC Higdon, AL
What we want to do today Provide information and answer any questions about the WaterMagnet® Show why water removal from fuel tanks is so important Discuss the various methods used to remove water from fuel tanks Explain why WaterMagnet® absorbers are the best and most economical way
Customer Requirements Absorbers that remove water efficiently At a good price Delivered promptly With no risk of fuel contamination Quality Value Customer Satisfaction Service
Where does water come from? The fuel, when temperatures drop The air, as condensation of water on cool tank walls Heavy rainfall Leakage in tanks or tank openings In fuel delivery
Why Remove Water? Water in fuel tanks causes growth of microorganisms, fungi, and bacteria that can damage the tanks, plug filters, and lead to costly downtime Water slugs passed from the tank must be removed in filters or traps, that are sometimes not serviced in time to prevent problems with burners or engines
Why Remove Water? Some byproducts of the organisms in the water/fuel interface produce corrosive byproducts that can attack the tank walls, causing pitting corrosion. Removal from the tanks prevents or mitigates most of the problems with tanks, filtration, and burner or engine problems related to water.
Methods of Dealing with Water Additives Pump out tanks Drain/Sump systems – gravity separation Centrifugal separation Absorbing Filters In-tank absorbers (WaterMagnet®)
What is the WaterMagnet®? A selective absorption device that absorbs free water in the presence of fuel, and chemically locks the water in a gel to prevent it from returning An economical means of removing free water from fuel tanks A safe method that does not involve additives or release chemicals into the fuel
How to use the WaterMagnet® Insert through a correctly sized opening and place in contact with water in the bottom of the tank Wait at least 1 hour before checking condition Remove when absorber is full, indicated by firm swelling, no more than 60 days in tank.
Sizes of WaterMagnet® absorbers WMA is latest Model, 1 indicates 1” dia. Max opening, X6 indicates approx. length is 6” Capacities are the amount of liquid water absorbed when full, oz. All models swell up to be firm when squeezed WMA1X6 3oz. WMA2X10 17oz. WMA4X10 69oz. WMA4X24 165oz.
Costs of Water Removal from Tanks Additive costs not related to amount of water, only fuel volumes Pump outs are very expensive, not complete removal Drain/Sump systems require more attention, and do not keep all water out. Centrifugal separation has continual pumping costs and maintenance Absorbing filters are expensive by combining filtration and absorption WaterMagnets are lowest real cost method
Why is WaterMagnet® the best? Removes a lot of free water! No packets to insert, no risk of fuel contamination. No additives to the fuel. Chemically locks water so it can never return to the fuel. Patented process absorbs water in the presence of fuel. Easier disposal than filter elements…no toxic chemicals. So efficient that you can see it work (That’s why we named it the WaterMagnet®-draws water up…like a magnet!)
Why is WaterMagnet® the best? Design features and improvements. Treatment of surfaces with biocide, to kill organisms when contacted Weight placement to maximize contact with bottom of tank More efficient absorbent Tether integral with absorber, so no need for customer to provide Sealed packaging that can be used for disposal
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Introduction to the WaterMagnet® THE END THANK YOU