Plymouth College of Art Copyright Quiz Copyright Quiz A fun quiz to test your understanding of what copyright means to you, how you can make it work for you and how not to fall foul of the law. Good luck and enjoy! Click the 10 button to start Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Copyright protection is only for the rich and famous. Students can’t afford to have their work protected -A- To copyright work you have to apply to the Patents Office -A- To copyright work you have to apply to the Patents Office -B- There’s no need, the college owns it anyway -B- There’s no need, the college owns it anyway -C- It means I would have to put the copyright symbol on my work -C- It means I would have to put the copyright symbol on my work -D- My work is automatically mine, there is no need to do anything -D- My work is automatically mine, there is no need to do anything Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! Any work you do has your copyright on it, you don’t have to do anything!!...nor do you have to put the copyright symbol on it Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! Any work you do has your copyright on it, you don’t have to do anything!!...nor do you have to put the copyright symbol on it Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Because I’m a student I can copy as much as I like from the internet. Because it’s in cyberspace no one owns it. -A- Everything on the internet is owned by someone – because you’re a student it makes no difference -A- Everything on the internet is owned by someone – because you’re a student it makes no difference -B- Because you’re a student its OK to copy -B- Because you’re a student its OK to copy -C- Because you’re a student you can copy from other college websites -C- Because you’re a student you can copy from other college websites -D- If you copy from the other side of the world no one will know -D- If you copy from the other side of the world no one will know Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! Everything on the internet is owned by someone – because you’re a student it makes no difference. Remember you might put your work onto a website; how would you like it if someone ripped it off?!! Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! Everything on the internet is owned by someone – because you’re a student it makes no difference. Remember you might put your work onto a website; how would you like it if someone ripped it off?!! Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art The picture below was taken on holiday last year, it was posted on FaceBook. Because its not by a professional photographer anyone can use it without permission -A- Its OK to only use a bit of it -A- Its OK to only use a bit of it -B- It’s an amateur photographer so it’s OK to use it -B- It’s an amateur photographer so it’s OK to use it -C- It’s OK to use it if you change it -C- It’s OK to use it if you change it -D- It makes no difference whether an amateur took it or not, the artist’s permission is still needed to use it -D- It makes no difference whether an amateur took it or not, the artist’s permission is still needed to use it Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! It makes no difference whether an amateur took it or not, the artist’s permission is needed to use it....even if it has been put on FaceBook Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! It makes no difference whether an amateur took it or not, the artist’s permission is needed to use it....even if it has been put on FaceBook Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art How long are the photographs you take at college protected by copyright? -A- Only until you leave college -A- Only until you leave college -B- 50 years after the day they were taken -B- 50 years after the day they were taken -C- 70 years after the day they were taken -C- 70 years after the day they were taken -D- 70 years after the day you die -D- 70 years after the day you die Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! Photographs you take are protected for 70 years after you die. That means pictures taken today could still be protected from anyone using them until 2158, unless you or your heirs allow them to be used. Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! Photographs you take are protected for 70 years after you die. That means pictures taken today could still be protected from anyone using them until 2158 unless you or your heirs allow them to be used. Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art How can you make sure you can prove you were the writer of a film script and the date you did it? -A- Ask your mum to keep a copy and date it -A- Ask your mum to keep a copy and date it -B- Put a copy of it in a safe place and remember the date -B- Put a copy of it in a safe place and remember the date -C- Mail a copy to yourself and leave the envelope sealed -C- Mail a copy to yourself and leave the envelope sealed -D- Ask one of your tutors to keep a copy for safe keeping -D- Ask one of your tutors to keep a copy for safe keeping Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! The cheapest way is to send a copy of the script to yourself by registered mail and leave the envelope sealed. As an added precaution send another copy to your bank, accountant or solicitor and ask them to keep it safe. Only open it in front of independent witnesses. Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! The cheapest way is to send a copy of the script to yourself by registered mail and leave the envelope sealed. As an added precaution send another copy to your bank, accountant or solicitor and ask them to keep it safe. Only open it in front of independent witnesses. Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art If you are employed as a graphic designer and you design a revolutionary radiator valve during your free time, does your employer have any rights to it? -A- No, you’re employed as a graphic designer -A- No, you’re employed as a graphic designer -B- No, what you do in your free time is up to you -B- No, what you do in your free time is up to you -C- Maybe, it depends on the contract you have signed -C- Maybe, it depends on the contract you have signed -D- Yes, you’re a designer and anything you design is theirs -D- Yes, you’re a designer and anything you design is theirs Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! It really all depends on the employment contract you have signed. We have known cases where the employer has said that everything you do during your employment belongs to them, irrespective of when you do it. Writing a novel in your lunchtime can be difficult! Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! It really all depends on the employment contract you have signed. We have known cases where the employer has said that everything you do during your employment belongs to them, irrespective of when you do it. Writing a novel in your lunchtime can be difficult! Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Which of these is the official copyright sign? -D- Patent Pending -D- Patent Pending -A- R -B- C -C- Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! The official sign is the one below, but it really does not need to be there as the work is protected anyway! However it may make someone stop and think before they rip off your work! C Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! The official sign is the one below, but it really does not need to be there as the work is protected anyway! However it may make someone stop and think before they rip off your work! C Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art If you have a website can you link it to another website without their permission? -A- You don’t need their permission – it gives you more content -A- You don’t need their permission – it gives you more content -B- You don’t need their permission – link to any page you like -B- You don’t need their permission – link to any page you like -C- You should get permission then link to any page -C- You should get permission then link to any page -D- You should get permission and only link to their home page -D- You should get permission and only link to their home page Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! Good practice says that you should get permission, but if you do not then you should be careful to link to the home page and not in any way pass off their site or any of its contents as yours. Many owners are happy for you to link to them but just in case make sure you get their permission in writing – it can save confusion later on. Linking to any page other than the home page should not be done, this can give the appearance of them endorsing your site. Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! Good practice says that you should get permission, but if you do not then you should be careful to link to the home page and not in any way pass off their site or any of its contents as yours. Many owners are happy for you to link to them but just in case make sure you get their permission in writing – it can save confusion later on. Linking to any page other than the home page should not be done, this can give the appearance of them endorsing your site. Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art A freelance designer is commissioned to produce designs for ten posters. Four were chosen to go into production and the designer was paid. Who owns the copyright? -A- The designer owns the ones that were not paid for -A- The designer owns the ones that were not paid for -B- The person who commissioned the work owns all of them -B- The person who commissioned the work owns all of them -C- The designer owns them all even though he/she has been paid -C- The designer owns them all even though he/she has been paid -D- The person who paid for four of them owns those -D- The person who paid for four of them owns those Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! As a freelance designer he/she owns the copyright on the material they produce irrespective of whether they have been paid or not. If the commissioner of the work wishes to own the copyright they must draw up a contract that explicitly spells this out. Simply paying for artwork does not automatically confer copyright. Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! As a freelance designer he/she owns the copyright on the material they produce irrespective of whether they have been paid or not. If the commissioner of the work wishes to own the copyright they must draw up a contract that explicitly spells this out. Simply paying for artwork does not automatically confer copyright. Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art If a video recording is made of a life performance who owns the copyright? -A- The person who made the video recording -A- The person who made the video recording -B- The artist(s) featured in the video recording -B- The artist(s) featured in the video recording -C- Both the video recorder and the artist -C- Both the video recorder and the artist -D- The person who is producing the show and commissioned the recording -D- The person who is producing the show and commissioned the recording Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! In the case of a moving image or a sound recording, both the recorder and the subject have rights in the recording. The person filming or recording cannot exploit his/her copies without the permission of the subject(s) - whether or not the subject is aware of the recording Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! In the case of a moving image or a sound recording, both the recorder and the subject have rights in the recording. The person filming or recording cannot exploit his/her copies without the permission of the subject(s) - whether or not the subject is aware of the recording Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art I sold a painting I did of smiling lips to a collector. She is using this picture to advertise a brand of lipstick I know is tested on animals. I object to its use as I am against the mistreatment of animals but can I stop the use of this image? -A- No, you sold it -A- No, you sold it -B- No, and it will cost a lot of money for you to even try -B- No, and it will cost a lot of money for you to even try -C- You might be able to if you did not sell all rights to it -C- You might be able to if you did not sell all rights to it -D- You still own moral rights which stops the use of your work that may be defamatory to you -D- You still own moral rights which stops the use of your work that may be defamatory to you Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! Moral rights stay with the original creator of any work. If an artist created a painting and sold it, the new owner could not use it in derogatory action which would ultimately be prejudicial to the honour or reputation of the creator. In English, this means because you buy artwork you still need to be sensitive to the original creator and may not use it in a way that affects their reputation. Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! Moral rights stay with the original creator of any work. If an artist created a painting and sold it, the new owner could not use it in derogatory action which would ultimately be prejudicial to the honour or reputation of the creator. In English, this means because you buy artwork you still need to be sensitive to the original creator and may not use it in a way that affects their reputation. Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art For my Final Major Project I designed a magazine aimed at young people in my home town. I had it on display for my end of year show. Six months later I have found someone using my ideas and layouts to create a magazine. I have approached them and they said it was on “Public Display” so anyone could use it. What can I do? -A- Send them a bill, if they don’t pay, tough! -A- Send them a bill, if they don’t pay, tough! -B- Send them a bill, if they don’t pay take them to the Small Claims Court -B- Send them a bill, if they don’t pay take them to the Small Claims Court -C- Nothing, once something is on “Public Display” that’s it -C- Nothing, once something is on “Public Display” that’s it -D- Write to them and order them to stop, send it by recorded delivery, and keep a copy -D- Write to them and order them to stop, send it by recorded delivery, and keep a copy Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! Difficult one this! “Public Display” means nothing and is just their way of trying to put you off! You can pursue them, get them to stop and maybe get damages, but it could take a long time. You would do better to try to work it out with them and get a payment now, but they may not want that. The bottom line is the law is on your side and some solicitors will give the first interview free. Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! …almost Difficult one this! “Public Display” means nothing and is just their way of trying to put you off! You can pursue them, get them to stop and maybe get damages, but it could take a long time. You would do better to try to work it out with them and get a payment now, but they may not want that. The bottom line is the law is on your side and some solicitors will give the first interview free. Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art If your copyright is infringed always take them to court and get damages from them -A- Right on… you can’t lose -A- Right on… you can’t lose -B- The law is there to protect you, always use it -B- The law is there to protect you, always use it -C- Talk to them, see if you can reach an agreement before going to the law -C- Talk to them, see if you can reach an agreement before going to the law -D- It’s a total waste of time going to the law, you’re bound to lose, the law wasn’t made for the likes of us -D- It’s a total waste of time going to the law, you’re bound to lose, the law wasn’t made for the likes of us Click here once to reveal each answer in turn
Plymouth College of Art Sorry! As a general rule always try to discuss it first and see if you can reach an agreement before taking them to the law. Lawyers are the only winners in this situation. It’s all a matter of scale, if it’s a logo for a local grocer – forget it! If you’ve designed a logo for major corporation, they have used it without your permission and you can prove it, talk to your solicitor!! Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Correct! As a general rule always try to discuss it first and see if you can reach an agreement before taking them to the law. Lawyers are the only winners in this situation. It’s all a matter of scale, if it’s a logo for a local grocer – forget it! If you’ve designed a logo for major corporation, they have used it without your permission and you can prove it, talk to your solicitor!! Click the next value button to proceed Click here to quit
Plymouth College of Art Copyright Quiz Copyright Quiz We hope you did well because protecting your work its an important part of being an artist. Thanks for trying, we hope it was fun! Click here to quit