Potenital Available Market (PAM), Total Available Market (TAM), Served Available Market (SAM), Share of Market (SOM) The PAM is the total available market by btrax’s definition. Example : Web design service market The TAM (Total Available Market) is used to define the entire accessible market, in dollars, for a given product or service upon which a company's product s is based. TAM is never greater than PAM. Example: TAM for btrax is Localization products. SAM's (Served Available Market), each representing a different technology or service, composing the TAM. SAM is never greater than TAM. Example Think of it as of Japan / China / Localization how can be done. 1) Translation services 2) Asia Brand Marketing Service 3) Asia Web Design Services. You want to identify what services / products can compete for the SAM. So let’s say Translation Services for Japan/ China = $10M, Asia Brand Marketing = $10M and Asia Web Design Service = $10M, them SAM = $30M
Potenital Available Market (PAM), Total Available Market (TAM), Served Available Market (SAM), Share of Market (SOM) The PAM is the total available market by btrax’s definition. Example : Web design service market The TAM (Total Available Market) is used to define the entire accessible market, in dollars, for a given product or service upon which a company's products or services are based. TAM is never greater than PAM. Example: TAM for btrax is Localization products. So, the total market Localization may be $500M of which Japan/China cross localization is only $150M. This may determine that we need to localize in other areas served by Chinese language like Singapore or add another region like Korean.
Potenital Available Market (PAM), Total Available Market (TAM), Served Available Market (SAM), Share of Market (SOM) SAM's (Served Available Market), each representing a different technology or service, composing the TAM. SAM is never greater than TAM. Example: Think of it as of Japan / China / Localization how can be done. 1) Translation services 2) Asia Brand Marketing Service 3) Asia Web Design Services. You want to identify what services / products can compete for the SAM which in turns competes for your service. So let’s say Translation Services for Japan/ China = $50M, Asia Brand Marketing = $50M and Asia Web Design Service = $50M, them SAM = $150M
Potenital Available Market (PAM), Total Available Market (TAM), Served Available Market (SAM), Share of Market (SOM) The Share of Market (SOM) is how btrax captures part or whole of the SAM Example we may have 0% share in Translation because we don’t offer that in services but we may have 70% share in Asia Brand Marketing and 50% in Asia Web Design Service.
Potenital Available Market (PAM), Total Available Market (TAM), Served Available Market (SAM), Share of Market (SOM) SOM can be with in a segment as well