Spanish-American War and Imperialism Pgs. 279-281.


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Presentation transcript:

Spanish-American War and Imperialism Pgs

Imperialism After the United States took control of Alaska and Hawaii, some people accused the country’s leaders of imperialism. Imperialism – empire building The U.S. also began to come into conflict with European nations that had spread beyond their borders, too – especially Spain.

Trouble with Spain By the end of the 1800s, Cuba and Puerto Rico were the only two colonies Spain had left in the Western Hemisphere. Cuba wanted its independence from Spain and tried two times to become and independent nation but failed both times. (1868 and 1895) Many Americans supported Cuba’s fight to win their independence.

Trouble with Spain In 1898 President McKinley sent the Battleship Maine to Havana, Cuba. On Feb. 15 the Maine exploded killing 200 American soldiers. It was not clear why the ship blew up, but the United States blamed Spain. Many Americans demanded that Spain be held accountable!

War with Spain On April 25, 1898 the United States declared war on Spain. Theodore Roosevelt volunteered to fight. He led a group called the Rough Riders and took part in the Battle of San Juan Hill. The Rough Riders were mostly cowhands and college athletes. The Rough Riders were also part of the Siege of Santiago.

Siege of Santiago. A siege is an attack that lasts for a long time. It ended on July 17, The Spanish-American War lasted less than four months. Approximately 5,000 American soldiers died, most from diseases such as Malaria and yellow fever.

Results With the signing of the peace treaty with Spain, America gained control of Cuba, Guam, the Philippine Islands, and Puerto Rico. Cuba became an independent country in 1901 followed by the Philippines in Guam and Puerto Rico are still possessions of the United States.

Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt was popular with Americans following the war. He was asked to be President McKinley’s Vice-President. In 1901 President McKinley was shot in Buffalo, New York and died eight days later. Roosevelt then became President.

Theodore Roosevelt Roosevelt was a man of action. He felt the U.S. should use its power to influence events in the world. He thought that what happened in the rest of the world affected the U.S. Because of his work, he became the first American to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.