Sensors and Their Uses in Hospitals
Where and Why are Sensors Used? In hospitals sensors are a form of electronic-based medical equipment used in almost all areas of medical practice. Their main function is to convert various forms of stimuli into electric signal for analysis that can be used to assist with surgery, scans, or diagnosing a patient. They can be used in CT and MRI scans to pick up complex signals that give doctors a full view of the patient’s body.
Types of Sensors and their Uses They are often used to monitor pulse rate, temperature, breathing rate, blood oxygen and blood pressure. Examples of different sensors and their uses include: Biosensors – scans during pregnancy/ultrasound Pressure sensors – oxygen concentrators Temperature sensors – ventilators Image sensors – cardiology Some sensors need to be especially small, lightweight, and compatible with body mass, and require very little power to operate correctly, for instance implantable sensors. These also need a surgeon to correctly implant them. Most important of all, they must not decay over time.
Advantages of Sensors in Hospitals They can allow for a complete view of a patient’s body, which assists with surgery and finding a diagnosis. They help monitor different aspects of a patient’s health, which allows doctors to keep track of their condition and whether it improves or worsens.
Possible Disadvantages of Sensors in Hospitals One must ensure the measuring device does not in any way influence the thing it is measuring. The response time for sensors can sometimes vary. The smaller the sensor, the faster the response time. The best sensors can be very expensive.
Wireless Sensor Networks in Hospitals A wireless sensor network uses distributed automatic sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, or pressure, and then pass their data through a network to one central location. In hospitals, there are two types of sensor networks used: wearable and implanted. Wearable devices are used externally - on the body surface of a human or just at close proximity of the person. Implanted are those that work from inside the body, where they have been inserted. They are used to collect information about a person’s health, fitness and energy.