Eco-friendly Products in Australia


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Presentation transcript:

Eco-friendly Products in Australia

What’s Eco friendly? Eco-friendly has yet to form a clear definition, it can mean any one, or a combination of: Made from Renewable sources Safe for Grey water/Gardens Not tested on Animals Recycled or Recyclable Free from Chemicals Carbon neutral Myths about eco-friendly products: It is less effective Not as concentrated More Expensive Means more hard work russell davies: I like this start. I get the feeling it’s going to be comprehensive. That work has been done. Be nice if you told me a source for the ‘myths’.

Culture russell davies: Again good stuff but I’d like to see some footnotes, cite some sources. It gives you more authority. There is a clear shift in cultural acceptance of environmental and social concerns in Australia – where 5 years ago, climate change was only a issue for environmentalists, it is now top of mind for most Australians. Cultural Change: All new homes must take environmental concerns on board whilst being built Water Storage tanks are now featured in suburban homes (a few years ago this was illegal) Many households have resorted to using grey water (recycled from their laundry) to water the garden

Media Media sources have embraced environmental concerns as a mainstream issue and has been presented by all the major media outlets: “Reducing use of harmful chemicals is one of the best ways you can help protect the environment and look after your wellbeing” “Sustainability is emerging as a major mainstream trend, and be certain, it is here to stay” ecoSAVVY “Australian designers are leading the way in using sustainable and recycled materials... There are eco-aware items to suit every budget.” Sydney Morning Herald (Nov 06) “It's not just environmentalists who recognise climate change as a major threat. Businesses are ahead of the Government in understanding the need for urgent action to cut soaring greenhouse pollution.” Fairfax (Sept 06) “As much of Australia sinks further into drought, headlines scream of global warming and an energy crisis” Sun Herald (Feb 07) russell davies: Good. See how much more powerful it is when it’s not just you saying it.

Current Attitude to the Environment russell davies: Hooray! Some data. Marvellous. And it supports you case. However, I’m not sure you can say ‘more people are…’ because you don’t show anything from previous years. So, for all I know, it might have gone down. But well done for finding it and sticking it in. ROY MORGAN SINGLE SOURCE AUSTRALIA : JUL 2005 - JUN 2006 More people are embracing sustainability in all forms. We are taking far more responsibility for our planet and environmental issues. Key Takeouts: The Australian grocery buyer is concerned about the environment They feel a responsibility to help Eco-Products are perceived to be overpriced Percent who agree Environmentally Friendly Products are overpriced At heart I am an environmentalist If we don’t act now we’ll never control our environmental problems Threats to the environment are exaggerated

Market Analysis russell davies: Good, nice simple segmentation of the market The eco-friendly cleaning product market in Australia is separated into two distinct groups – one group of products are made for the niche market sold at selected eco-friendly stores, the other is group, lead by ‘Earth Choice’ is available at both independents and mainstream grocery channels. Low Mainstream acceptance High Mainstream acceptance

Earth Choice Nature’s Organics, the parent company of Earth Choice would be the major direct competitor to any new entrant into the Australian Eco-Friendly Cleaner market. They have been established over a number of years, and are present in all major grocery retailers. From Nature’s Organics website: Earth Choice products offer a unique and environmentally conscious alternative to conventional household cleaning products. We believe our products substantially overcome and reduce environmental concerns recognised and established by the EPA. Our formulas and packaging are specifically designed to reduce environmental impact and waste of resources. The ‘Earth Choice’ range includes: Dishwashing Liquid Laundry Liquid Eucalyptus Woolwash Floor and Surface Cleaner Multi Purpose Spray Toilet Cleaner Fabric Softner russell davies: Useful profile of the competition. If I was going to be picky I’d say this is all just stuff you’d copied from the website - how about a little thought about what all this adds up to? How good a competitor are they? SWOT?

Mainstream Distribution Earth Choice is the number 1 ‘Eco-friendly’ product in terms of distribution through mainstream channels, as it is present in all major supermarkets. However ‘Priceline’ is a clear opportunity that is not tapped by Earth Choice (note: Priceline specialises in body/hair products rather than general cleaning) Mainstream channels are a necessity to provide sales volume in a small market such as Australia. russell davies: Not sure what you’re telling me here.

Insight Mainstream consumers don’t really care about the environment, but they feel pressured to be more environmentally conscious – they want products that they can feel good about using. russell davies: How do you know? If this is just your opinion, fair enough, but you must be basing it on something - what? Otherwise, can you give me facts or press coverage or quotes from websites or something?

Opportunities russell davies: This seems like a slightly flat ending. You’ve done some good groundwork but not really come up with an interesting thought in the end. I don’t think suggesting the product be competitively priced is going to help. Grey Water suitable is a good idea though. The overriding factor in the current market that all brands, mainstream and niche, are clearly eco-friendly first, marketing second. This provides an opportunity for a strongly branded, and well marketed brand which touches both economic and environmental concerns of mainstream consumers. Designed for ‘average’ consumers, not greenies, who feel pressured to be more socially and environmentally conscious. Grey Water Suitable Products Targeted to consumers new to green products Products for hair & body, as well as domestic cleaning Competitively priced