Vocabulary Soccer Shootout By: Emily Alexander
Rules How well do you know your humor vocabulary? Well, this is your chance to find out. How do you play? Well, it’s simple! You simply match the definition to the corresponding vocabulary word. If you get it right, you score a goal. If you get it wrong, you miss the goal. For each goal, you get one point, so remember to keep track of your points. At the end of the game, a list will be shown where your score will fall into one of the categories. The categories show “how successful a soccer player you are” or, in other words, how well you know your vocabulary. Keep in mind that you should only be clicking on the definitions and the next question buttons when playing. Oh, and one last rule, play a clean game and have fun!
Sarcastic Marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt (adjective) Making fun of something or someone in a mean way (adjective)
Sarcastic Making fun of something or someone in a mean way (adjective) Marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt (adjective)
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Sarcastic Making fun of something or someone in a mean way (adjective) Marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt (adjective)
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Laughable Such as to cause laughter; funny; amusing (adjective) In a state of gladness and merriment (adjective)
Laughable Such as to cause laughter; funny; amusing (adjective) In a state of gladness and merriment (adjective)
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Laughable Such as to cause laughter; funny; amusing (adjective) In a state of gladness and merriment (adjective)
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Witty Showing or characterized by quick verbal humor (adjective) Happy and carefree with no worry (adjective)
Witty Showing or characterized by quick verbal humor (adjective) Happy and carefree with no worry (adjective)
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Witty Showing or characterized by quick verbal humor (adjective) Happy and carefree with no worry (adjective)
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Ironic Pleasing or entertaining (adjective) In a situation or a word that turns out to be the opposite of what you expected (adjective)
Ironic Pleasing or entertaining (adjective) In a situation or a word that turns out to be the opposite of what you expected (adjective)
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Ironic Pleasing or entertaining (adjective) In a situation or a word that turns out to be the opposite of what you expected (adjective)
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Irreverent A state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way (adjective) Showing a lack of respect to things and people that are most always taken seriously (adjective)
Irreverent A state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way (adjective) Showing a lack of respect to things and people that are most always taken seriously (adjective)
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Irreverent A state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way (adjective) Showing a lack of respect to things and people that are most always taken seriously (adjective)
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Mocking Making fun of something or someone in a mean way (adjective) Showing a lack of respect to things and people that are most always taken seriously (adjective)
Mocking Making fun of something or someone in a mean way (adjective) Showing a lack of respect to things and people that are most always taken seriously (adjective)
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Mocking Making fun of something or someone in a mean way (adjective) Showing a lack of respect to things and people that are most always taken seriously (adjective)
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Hysterical A state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way (adjective) Pleasing or entertaining (adjective)
Hysterical A state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way (adjective) Pleasing or entertaining (adjective)
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Hysterical A state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way (adjective) Pleasing or entertaining (adjective)
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Cute Happy and carefree with no worry (adjective) Attractive or pretty (adjective)
Cute Happy and carefree with no worry (adjective) Attractive or pretty (adjective)
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Cute Happy and carefree with no worry (adjective) Attractive or pretty (adjective)
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Mirthful In a state of gladness and merriment (adjective) Happy and carefree with no worry (adjective)
Mirthful In a state of gladness and merriment (adjective) Happy and carefree with no worry (adjective)
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Mirthful In a state of gladness and merriment (adjective) Happy and carefree with no worry (adjective)
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Amusing In a situation that turns out to be the opposite of what you expected (adjective) Pleasing or entertaining (adjective)
Amusing In a situation that turns out to be the opposite of what you expected (adjective) Pleasing or entertaining (adjective)
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Amusing In a situation that turns out to be the opposite of what you expected (adjective) Pleasing or entertaining (adjective)
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Light-hearted Happy and carefree with no worry (adjective) A state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way (adjective)
Light-hearted Happy and carefree with no worry (adjective) A state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way (adjective)
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Light-hearted Happy and carefree with no worry (adjective) A state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way (adjective)
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Outburst A violent expression of emotion or a sudden eruption (noun) A disrespectful laugh (noun)
Outburst A violent expression of emotion or a sudden eruption (noun) A disrespectful laugh (noun)
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Outburst A violent expression of emotion or a sudden eruption (noun) A disrespectful laugh (noun)
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Guffaw A short laugh (noun) A crude laugh (noun)
Guffaw A short laugh (noun) A crude laugh (noun)
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Guffaw A short laugh (noun) A crude laugh (noun)
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Giggle A short laugh (noun) A soft laugh usually to oneself (noun)
Giggle A short laugh (noun) A soft laugh usually to oneself (noun)
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Giggle A short laugh (noun) A soft laugh usually to oneself (noun)
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Chuckle A crude laugh (noun) A soft laugh usually to oneself (noun)
Chuckle A crude laugh (noun) A soft laugh usually to oneself (noun)
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Chuckle A crude laugh (noun) A soft laugh usually to oneself (noun)
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Titter A deep sound made when in pain or despair (noun) A nervous laugh (noun)
Titter A deep sound made when in pain or despair (noun) A nervous laugh (noun)
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Titter A deep sound made when in pain or despair (noun) A nervous laugh (noun)
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Snicker A smile that is expressing scorn or pleasure in something that is bad (noun) A disrespectful laugh (noun)
Snicker A smile that is expressing scorn or pleasure in something that is bad (noun) A disrespectful laugh (noun)
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Snicker A smile that is expressing scorn or pleasure in something that is bad (noun) A disrespectful laugh (noun)
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Groan A deep sound made when in pain or despair (noun) A facial expression that shows happiness or friendship (noun)
Groan A deep sound made when in pain or despair (noun) A facial expression that shows happiness or friendship (noun)
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Groan A deep sound made when in pain or despair (noun) A facial expression that shows happiness or friendship (noun)
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Smile A facial expression that shows happiness or friendship (noun) A smile expressing scorn or pleasure in something that is bad (noun)
Smile A facial expression that shows happiness or friendship (noun) A smile expressing scorn or pleasure in something that is bad (noun)
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Smile A facial expression that shows happiness or friendship (noun) A smile expressing scorn or pleasure in something that is bad (noun)
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Smirk A smile expressing scorn or pleasure in something that is bad (noun) A facial expression that shows happiness or friendship (noun)
Smirk A smile expressing scorn or pleasure in something that is bad (noun) A facial expression that shows happiness or friendship (noun)
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Smirk A smile expressing scorn or pleasure in something that is bad (noun) A facial expression that shows happiness or friendship (noun)
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Pun A very short joke or funny remark (noun) A humorous way of using a word or phrase so that more than one meaning is suggested (noun)
Pun A very short joke or funny remark (noun) A humorous way of using a word or phrase so that more than one meaning is suggested (noun)
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Pun A very short joke or funny remark (noun) A humorous way of using a word or phrase so that more than one meaning is suggested (noun)
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Low Comedy Comedy employing burlesque, horseplay, or the representation of low life (noun) Comedy employing subtle characterizations and witty dialogue (noun)
Low Comedy Comedy employing burlesque, horseplay, or the representation of low life (noun) Comedy employing subtle characterizations and witty dialogue (noun)
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Low Comedy Comedy employing burlesque, horseplay, or the representation of low life (noun) Comedy employing subtle characterizations and witty dialogue (noun)
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One-liner A humorous way of using a word or phrase so that more than one meaning is suggested (noun) A very short joke or funny remark (noun)
One-liner A humorous way of using a word or phrase so that more than one meaning is suggested (noun) A very short joke or funny remark (noun)
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One-liner A humorous way of using a word or phrase so that more than one meaning is suggested (noun) A very short joke or funny remark (noun)
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High Comedy Comedy employing burlesque, horseplay, or the representation of low life (noun) Comedy employing subtle characterizations and witty dialogue (noun)
High Comedy Comedy employing burlesque, horseplay, or the representation of low life (noun) Comedy employing subtle characterizations and witty dialogue (noun)
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High Comedy Comedy employing burlesque, horseplay, or the representation of low life (noun) Comedy employing subtle characterizations and witty dialogue (noun)
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Humor The quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech (noun) A humorous way of using a word or phrase so that more than one meaning is suggested (noun)
Humor The quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech (noun) A humorous way of using a word or phrase so that more than one meaning is suggested (noun)
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Humor The quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech (noun) A humorous way of using a word or phrase so that more than one meaning is suggested (noun)
And the results are… Goals: Advanced Player (You really know your vocabulary) Goals: Intermediate Player (You know most of your vocabulary but keep practicing a little more) 6-11 Goals: Average Player (You’re on the right track! You don’t know many of your vocabulary words so keep practicing) 0-5 Goals: Beginner Player (You probably just started learning this new vocabulary so do your best and keep practicing)
Thanks for Playing