Writer’s Notebook Journal Expectations By Linda Mac Intyre Adapted From: Routman, R. (2000). Conversations: Strategies for Teaching, Learning, and Evaluating.


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Presentation transcript:

Writer’s Notebook Journal Expectations By Linda Mac Intyre Adapted From: Routman, R. (2000). Conversations: Strategies for Teaching, Learning, and Evaluating. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann.

Journal Writing is a special place: where you can write about things that really matter. where you can write about topics you want to always remember. where you can revisit ( in a few years or when you are an adult) and read what you were really thinking about and what was important to you.

Journal Writing Expectations Write on every other line. Use neat handwriting. Correct the spelling of common words after writing your entry. Keep the covers and inside cover pages neat and clean.

Journal Writing Expectations Journal writing is one type of genre that you are expected to learn and do. Cross out words or phrases with one straight line. Write about topics that you will be comfortable sharing with students, teacher and others.

Journal Writing Expectations Use dictionaries/ thesaurus only when proofreading or editing. Sharing what you have done and need to work on will help other students to learn and grow. Try to write using detail, voice, personal feelings, and explanations.

Journal Writing Where do you begin? Skip one line from your last entry. Write the date. Brainstorm your topic using a web or list of ideas. Start writing from your ideas.

What topics can you write about? My best friend What I know a lot about My dog My grandfather My grandmother My favorite place….

Journal Writing What I’m good at My pet What is important to me I will never forget I was scared

Any Questions?