Northwestern coniferous Forest
zoology Coniferous forests cover huge areas but have fewer kinds of plants and animals than any other forests. Though the Coniferous forests have fewer animal species than other forests, they are home to several different animals. There are many mammals and insects along with birds. There are very scarce amount of reptiles.
zoology Not many animals can live in this habitat year-round. Animals deal with the hardship of cold, long winters in several ways. Some of the animals hibernate during the winter; while others migrate to warmer climates. Of those that stay during winter, some die from starvation, frostbite and hypothermia.
Zoology in Northwestern coniferous forest. Some examples of animals that live in the coniferous forest are the wolverine, Beaver, bald eagle, long eared own, coyote, snow leopard, red fox, bob cat, brown bear and a red tailed hawk.
Animals. Kermode Bear Bobcat Bald eagle
Questions. What are two animals found in the northwestern coniferous forest? What animals are more commonly found in the northwestern coniferous forest?
Botany in the northwestern coniferous forest. Got the name because of the many coniferous, cone bearing, trees that they host. Coniferous forest are found in most of North America, Scandinavia, Russia, Asia and Siberia. Two well known forest are: Taiga and the Boreal Forests. There is limited plant life due to harsh winter conditions.
Types of Trees Evergreens- needle leaves and cones which bear seeds. Other trees found would be: black spruce, white spruce, balsam fir, redwood, white pine, sugar pine, ponderosa pine, Jeffrey pine, cypress and cedars. Not as many flowers and shrubs as there are trees.
Questions. What are two well known coniferous forest? Why is the plant life limited?
Geography The north western coniferous forest biome is south of the Arctic tundra. It stretches from Alaska straight across North America to the Atlantic Ocean and across Eurasia.
This forests consist mainly of cone-bearing trees such as spruce, hemlock, and fir, which are well suited to the cold climate. The soil is not very fertile.
Questions? What does this forest consist of? What is the it south of?
Northwestern coniferous forest is the world's largest land biome and makes up 27% of the world's forest cover. The largest areas are located in Russia and Canada. The taiga is the terrestrial biome with the lowest annual average temperatures after the Tundra and permanent ice caps. The taiga or boreal forest has a subarctic climate with very large temperature range between seasons, but the long and cold winter is the dominant feature. The mean annual temperature generally varies from negative 5°C to 5°C but there are taiga areas in both eastern Siberia and interior Alaska-Yukon where the mean annual reaches down to -10°C.
Questions What % does the Northwestern coniferous forest make up of the worlds forest cover? Where is the largest area located?
Sources c_forest.htm