By: Josh Carlson
11 Genera 400 Species Most of the species found in Minnesota don’t travel much further west Shrub/ Half Shrub/ Vine
Leaves: opposite, simple, ovate, “finely” serrate, paler on bottum Flowers: white, large cluster about 5 inches in width rt231/List02/VibLenLvsSm.jpg num-l-flower-200.jpg
Leaves: opposite, simple, elliptic to ovate, large serrate Flowers: large clusters, white
Leaves: opposite, simple, 3 lobed Flowers: white, “flat topped cyme” Fruit: red and edible ants/images/viburnum_trilobum/vi burnum_trilobum235.jpg
Also known as the Northern Bush Honeysuckle Leaves: Green to Red in the fall, 5-12 cm long, simple and opposite Flowers: ½ inch across, usually red or yellow, bell shaped
Leaves: Opposite and simple, leaf edge is entire, up to 3 inches long Flowers: Bell shaped, about 1 inch long Fruit: fused/paired
Also known as the Limber Honeysuckle Vine like Leaves: opposite, simple, stipules absent Flowers:3/4 in long, yellow, orange, or purple
MN is the furthest west this plant is found Vine like Leaves: opposite, simple, ovate, “hairy fringe”, up to 13 cm long Flowers: clustered, 2.5 cm long, yellow or orange
Leaves: simple, opposite, oblong, up to 6 cm long, hairy on the underside Flowers: paired, yellow or white, up to 15 mm long Fruit: Blue and edible
NATIVE PLANT DATABASE, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN, Diervilla lonicera Bush Honeysuckle, American fly honeysuckle Caprifoliaceae Lonicera canadensis, Connecticut Wildflower Limber Honeysuckle (Glaucous Honeysuckle),, November, 2005http:// Lonicera dioica Wild Honeysuckle, Steven D. Glenn, August 13, Northern Ontario Plant Database, January Lonicera villosa Mountain Fly Honeysuckle, nannyberry Caprifoliaceae Viburnum lentago, Viburnum lentago Nannyberry Viburnum or Sheepberry, Viburnum rafinesquianum Schultes var. affine (Bush ex Schneid.) House, Viburnum trilobum American Cranberrybush Viburnum, Vascular Plant Taxonomy, Fifth Edition, Dirk R Walters. David J Keil. Zack E Murrell, 2006 Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle Family,