Child Psychology Emily Quade Fulbright ETA Pre-Service Training August 2014
The Plan 1. Goals & Expectations 2. Snowball fight 3. Children… Needs assessment 4. What is Child Psychology- workshop focus 5. Terminology and Tools 6. Brainstorm & Discussion: You know the kid who… 7.Guji Guji 8.Things to remember 9.Reflection Lunch
Goals Expectations 1. Understand how to identify and support different learning needs that you might encounter in your class 2. Share and collaborate with one another 3. Ask questions 4. Gather new ideas that are possible to adapt and implement 1. Be respectful 2. Be encouraging 3. Participate 4. Ask If you can hear my voice...
Snowball fight How could you adapt this activity to use in your future classroom?
What do you know to be true about children/students? Example: Children like praise -“Good job” 1. Group Formation 2. In your group come up with a list of 5 things that you know to be true about children/students. 3. Share your list with the class.
What is Child Psychology? developmental psychology: the branch of psychology that studies the social and mental development of children. Child = birth to 12ish (JoAnn Deak)
The focus of this workshop... What are some student behaviors/needs that I might encounter encounter in my classroom? How do I support a student who…? Learning problems Average Gifted
CHC Theory of Cognitive Abilities: 9 broad domains of human intellectual functioning
OK there’s something going on… Now what? 1. Collect Data- Assess the student- formally and informally. 2. Talk to parents, and any support staff 3. Create a plan of how to support the student’s learning (adaptations, interventions, accommodations)
Behavioral Learning Disabilities Diagnoses Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Autistic(language delay) & Aspergers Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Aggressive behaviors (BD) Emotionally Disturbed (ED) Tool Conners Scale dd_adhd_short.pdf Diagnoses Dyslexia Perceptual disabilities Communication disorder (stuttering…) Health impairments ●Hearing, Visual, Orthopedic Developmentally disabled ●learns at a slower rate ●difficulty grasping abstract concepts ●may not remember directions/information Combination of factors
Interventions/Accommodations: LD and Behavioral ●Individualized behavior plan ●Incentive/rewards system ●Seating ●Structure (schedule, formats, predictability) ●Breaks ●Partner- special buddy ●Expert opportunities ●Low distraction workplace ●Cues to stay on task ●Sensory objects (stress balls) ●Show you care ●Get to know them ●Connect and invest ●Avoid confrontation- and acknowledgement of negative behaviors ●Adapt- HW, tests, assignments, materials ● Give directions in short sequential steps ●Create a safe supportive environment
Gifted/Academically Talented Look for ●Great problem solving skills ●Long attention span ●Unusual imagination ●Extreme curiosity ●Learns very quickly ●Exceptional vocabulary ●Above grade level ●Unorganized or OCD ●Head in the clouds/day dreamer ●Perfectionists/ intense ●Sees the whole picture Accomodations ●Alternative/ more challenging projects or assignments ●More freedom to choose ●Thoughtful partnering ●Escalate the objective ●Needs assessment (KWL) ●teaching opportunities ●Centers/stations ●THIS DOES NOT MEAN MORE BUSY WORK FOR THE STUDENT.
You know the kid who Partner up 2. Create a t-chart and fill it out (3 examples) Left- student that will need support (description) Right- What can you do in the classroom to support that student (accommodations/ interventions) 3. Share ideas with a small group Assessment
Guji 1. Why do you think I choose to share this story with you? 2. How does it relate to students with special needs? 3. How could you use a story like this one in your classroom? 4.Why is it beneficial to share a story like this one with students?
Don’t forget... All students can learn! How, the quantity and speed may differ. We are not looking for a label- we are looking how to best support our students. Gifted students are not good at everything. Students with learning disabilities are good at many things. Find student strengths and utilize them. Be patient and flexible. Differentiate instruction- make accommodations- being fair does not mean everyone is doing exactly the same thing. individual strengths
Session Reflection & Feedback Name/Date/ Session 1. Take away/ ideas to steal 2. Something new you learned 3. Suggestions for improvement 4. Final thoughts/questions & commentary