Improving Turfgrass Through Research Texas Hybrid Bluegrass Bill Dunn
Improving Turfgrass Through Research Texas x Kentucky bluegrass Many first hybrids poor germination Thermal Blue = HB 129 = BH Reveille sod type good performance Improved establishment High shear strength Excellent rhizomes = good recovery Good wear tolerance in Ohio - not high Rutgers Additional new hybrids with good establishment, high drought tolerance
Improving Turfgrass Through Research Bluegrass Needs Improved establishment Less dormancy by selection and large seed Priming? Diverse portfolio of bluegrass types from many programs Heat and drought tolerance, winter-active growth One set of genetics or one type leads to potential problems for long term performance Necrotic ring spot, summer patch and dollar spot resistance. Billbugs major problem in drought.
Improving Turfgrass Through Research Bluegrass Strategies Texas X Kentucky bluegrass hybrids Advantages Heat tolerant Drought tolerant Extensive rhizomes - wear tolerance, sod strength, recovery Goals Improved seed fertility - higher yields Improved germination Summer patch, brown patch and leaf spot resistance Reject 3 of 4 potential cultivars
Improving Turfgrass Through Research Texas X Kentucky bluegrass Texas bluegrass heat and drought tolerant, extensive and deep rhizomes Kentucky bluegrass turf quality Backcrossed to Kentucky bluegrass More extensive rhizomes Greater heat and drought tolerance Must evaluate for diseases, billbug resistance, germination vigor, apomixis 4 new ones optioned from Rutgers planted fall, 2005
Improving Turfgrass Through Research Texas X Kentucky bluegrass Rhizomes on young spaced plants Deep rhizomes contribute to recovery Bluegrass usage further south Top rated for shear strength NTEP
Improving Turfgrass Through Research Bandera Texas X Kentucky Improved germination High heat tolerance Active summer growth Need more growth before vernalization for seed
Improving Turfgrass Through Research Bandera Texas X Kentucky Bandera
Improving Turfgrass Through Research STR 2844 Texas X Kentucky Dark Green, high turf quality Cross BDF (Texas X Kentucky) X Midnight Excellent seed set and yields Low ergot Extensive rhizomes
Improving Turfgrass Through Research Texas X Kentucky Bluegrasses Blend with tall fescues – Heat and drought tolerance –Excellent rhizomes Blend with Kentucky bluegrass – Select Kentucky bluegrasses with improved heat tolerance –Similar growth form Blend with Texas X Kentucky - future – Select ones with different genetics
Improving Turfgrass Through Research Texas X Kentucky Bluegrasses 2000 Kentucky bluegrass NTEP Drought and Heat Data Bluegrass NJ1 Drought- WY1 Drought- KS Turf OH - Turf Quality UT - Turf quality VarietyType Wilting Wilting-2002 Quality No irrigation Low maintenance SR 2284America MidnightMidnight RampartJulia KingfisherAmerica ShowcaseAmerica Quantum LeapMidnight BH (ThBl)Texas hybrid ArcadiaMidnight BH Texas hybrid CheetahAggressive UlyssesJulia EnvictaBVMG
Improving Turfgrass Through Research 2004 Bluegrass Trial, Rolesville, NC 2005 data, 1-9, 9 = Ideal Turf CutlivarMeanCultivarMean STR 2485 KBG6.2 Midnight KBG4.8 STR KBG6.0Julius KBG4.8 STR KBG5.7Diva KBG4.7 Bandera T x K5.6Rhythm KBG4.6 Y2K-169 KBG5.3Eagleton KBG3.8 Julia KBG5.2A99-LM15 T x K3.7 SR 2109 KBG Heat tolerant bluegrasses