Part 1: Healthy eating tips A healthy diet should include a good variety of nutritious foods. These include breads, pastas, fruits and vegetables. Eating breakfast is also an important part of a healthy diet. Don't skip breakfast Children who skip breakfast generally have below average nutrition. Their diets contain less: Calcium Iron Dietary fibre Vitamins.
Tips for easy breakfasts Here are some easy-to-prepare, healthy breakfast ideas: Fresh fruit with wholegrain breakfast cereal and reduced fat milk. Toast with a thin spread of margarine (polyunsaturated or mono-unsaturated). Toast with cheese and tomato. Hot or cold reduced fat milk. Rolled oats with sultanas and reduced fat milk. Toast with a thin spread of margarine (polyunsaturated or mono-unsaturated). Orange juice. Baked beans on toast. Orange juice.
Healthy diets contain a variety of foods In general, we should all eat: A wide variety of nutritious foods Plenty of breads and cereals (particularly wholegrain), vegetables, legumes (such as chickpeas) and fruit Low salt foods, and use salt sparingly Small amounts of foods which contain added sugars.
Physical activity A good balance between exercise and food intake is important, as this helps to maintain a healthy body weight. About 30 minutes of physical activity, such as walking, is recommended every day. Presented by: Charlotte Camilleri (Health and Safety Teacher)