U NIVERSITY OF M ONTENEGRO – BASIC FIGURES Founded faculties 3 research institutes students 79 study programmes at undergraduate studies Studies according to Bologna Declaration principles since 2004.
U NIVERSITY OF M ONTENEGRO – STUDY LEVELS Undergraduate academic studies Undergraduate applied studies Postgraduate specialistic studies Postgraduate master studies Doctoral studies
M EETING IL The meeting on introducing the information literacy concept at the University of Montenegro was held during the last week of January. The Vice-rector for international relations, Director of Centre of Information System and memebers of DWG and ILMWG were present among the other participants. Taking into the consideration the best IL practices and their adaptation to University of Montenegro needs and capacities, several conclusions were brought.
PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT Academic community – informed via circular e- mail letter Presentation of the project at the biggest IT conference in the country
I NFORMATION L ITERACY AT U O M - CURRENT STATE It is mostly referred to as computer literacy IL courses are not included into the study programmes IL concept is partially defined by specific teaching subjects at different faculties (e.g.subjects on informatic literacy) Courses created by Centre of Information System (e.g.computer literacy courses) are periodically organised for various target groups
I NFORMATION L ITERACY AT U O M - CURRENT STATE Courses organised within the University Library (courses on using the specific databases, library computer programmes etc.) Outside the University, it comprises courses for target groups which do not include students (e.g. courses for unemployed people organised by Employment Agency etc.)
I NFORMATION L ITERACY AT U O M - POSSIBLE WAYS OF INTRODUCING THE CONCEPT There are two ways of introducing IL concept at the UoM: 1. Introducing and development IL concept through inter- project coaching 2. Including IL concept into the development of Lifelong Learning at UoM
I NTER – PROJECT COACHING POSSIBILITY Through other TEMPUS project UoM is up to develop the concept of professional training of early stage researchers. The training will include the possibility for researchers to choose IL as part of the offer of professional services provided by a unit created for that purpose In the first preliminary period, these services will be offered as compulsory The central University Library will be actively involved in the implementation of the course
I NTER – PROJECT COACHING POSSIBILITY Centre of Information System shall provide the necessary support to librarians Quality Assurance Centre will monitor the implementation, according to the QA rules of the University Target group will be students from Master I onwards The final objective is making all services (including IL) obligatory and necessary precondition for academic progress and promotion
IL AS PART OF L IFELONG L EARNING CONCEPT ”Development of Lifelong Learning Concept at the University of Montenegro”- TEMPUS project currently being realised at UoM Specific goals include development of model courses and modules adapted to the needs of various learners and teacher training for delivery of courses Learning possibilities both for students and adults will be improved
IL AS PART OF L IFELONG L EARNING CONCEPT IL will be created as one of the modules in the LLL offer, through the LLL centre at the University Creation of on-line IL course with wide access to general public The University Library will also have the dominant role in the implementation of the module, which will be prepared and accredited according to the national standards Necessary users’ qualification will be discussed once the course is completed
L IMITING FACTORS FOR INTRODUCTION OF IL CONCEPT AS PART OF CURRICULA Lack of information on IL concept, without precise definition Lack of overall in depth needs analysis for the academic community Complicated and time-consuming new courses accreditation procedure Lack of the interdisciplinary approach to the matter Top-down approach in introducing the subject might not be widely accepted across the community
R OLE OF THE U O M IN DEVELOPMENT OF IL CONCEPT Raising awareness on IL Improving University Library capacities for delivering IL courses Creating the environment for introducing IL courses as obligatory Providing IL possibilities for members of a broader society, through cooperation with different social partners
T HANK YOU Contact: Vice-rector for international relations - prof.Mira Vukcevic International Relations Office- Public Relations Office- University Library –