Developed by: Angela Carswell and Mary Johnson Copyright 2008
Objectives Standard ELA6C1 You will show that you understand and are able to use the rules of the English language. You will show that you know how to use grammar appropriately and both writing and speaking.
Essential Question What are adjectives and how are adjectives used in writing?
Learn About Adjectives An adjective is a word or phrase used to describe a noun or pronoun. ADJECTIVE RULES: i) Adjectives can come before nouns: a new carnouns ii) Adjectives can come after verbs such as be, become, seem, look, etc.: that car looks fastverbs iii) They can be modified by adverbs: a very expensive caradverbs iv) They can be used as complements to a noun: the extras make the car expensivecomplementsnoun
Got home from camping last spring. Saw people, places, and things. We barely had arrived, Friends asked us to describe The people, places, and every last thing. So we unpacked our adjectives. I unpacked "frustrating" first. Reached in and found the word "worst." Then I picked "soggy" and Next I picked "foggy" and Then I was ready to tell them my tale, 'Cause I'd unpacked my adjectives. Adjectives are words you use to really describe things. Andy words to carry around. Days are sunny, or they're rainy. Boys are dumb or else they're brainy. Adjectives can show you which way Adjectives are often used to help us compare things, To say how thin, how fat, how short, how tall. Girls who're tall get taller. Boys who're small get smaller, Till one is the tallest and the other's the smallest of all. We hiked along without care. Then we ran into a bear! He was a hairy bear! He was a scary bear! We beat a hasty retreat from his lair, And described him with adjectives! Turtle: Wow! Boy, that was one big, ugly bear! You can make even adjectives out of the other parts of speech like verbs and nouns. All you have to do is tack on an ending like "-ic" or "-ish" or "-ary." For example: This boy can grow up to be a huge man, but still have a boyish face. Boy is a noun, but the ending "-ish" makes it an adjective, boyish, that describes the huge man's face. Get it? t time you go on a trip, Remember this little tip: The minute you get back, They'll ask you this and that. You can describe people, places, and things. Simply unpack your adjectives. You can do it with adjectives. Tell 'em about it with adjectives. you can shout it with adjectives.
Common Adjectives A common adjective is an adjective that is not written with a capital letter.adjectivecapitalletter
Brown Appetizing filling Tasty Red green Sweet juicy ColorfulGreen Healthy small
Proper Adjectives Most adjectives are common- ones that are written with a capital letter are proper adjectives.proper adjectives Definition from :
Understanding Proper Adjectives Proper adjectives are adjectives that come from proper nouns. In English, proper adjectives must begin with a capital letter. The proper adjectives in the following sentences are underlined. The French town has an interesting history. Many of my friends are American. This house is a fine example of Victorian architecture.
The derivation of proper adjectives from proper nouns is somewhat irregular. For instance, the spelling of the following proper nouns and proper adjectives can be compared. From the Proper Noun Comes a Proper Adjective Many proper adjectives end with an or ian. However, other endings are also used, as indicated below. Proper NounProper Adjective AmericaAmerican AfricaAfrican GermanyGerman MexicoMexican GeorgiaGeorgian EnglandEnglish FranceFrench
Demonstrative Adjectives Demonstrative adjectives (this, that, these, those) show whether the noun they refer to is singular or plural and whether it is located near to or far from the speaker or writer. Demonstrativeadjectivesnoun singularplural
Adjectives Game ectAWord ectAWord Common Adjectives htm
Use adjectives to describe the picture below. Type your descriptions using a microsoft word document..
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