School-wide Positive Behavior Support Name of School Date
What is School-wide Positive Behavior Support? The application of evidence-based strategies and systems to assist schools to increase academic performance increase safety decrease problem behavior and establish positive school cultures
Common Elementary School Concerns Transitions in hallway Paper in the sinks Not prepared Lunch room noise Bullying Consistent rules Consistent reinforcement Common language and procedures Supervision in all areas of the school Common understanding of the rules
PBIS Big Ideas Positive Behavior Support is a process for teaching children appropriate behavior and providing the supports necessary to sustain that behavior. PBIS is not a curriculum - it is a framework for systems to identify needs, develop strategies, and evaluate practice toward success
Why a School-wide Approach? Why a School-wide Approach? It reduces challenging student behavior through a proactive, positive, and consistent manner across all school settings and Improves academic achievement and social competence
Consistency Matters Common Vision Common Language Common Practices School Community
Hamilton Mission Statement Hamilton Elementary School administration and staff in cooperation with the home and community shares the challenges and responsibilities for helping each child reach his greatest potential. We aspire to teach life skills that enable children to deal positively with the complex and rapidly changing world in which we live.
Academic SystemsBehavioral Systems 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success
Achievement + Social Behavior
Work Smarter, Not Harder Use the information you have Identify your goal Determine what to do to reach your goal Monitor for effectiveness
Representative Team Administrator Special & general education teachers Specialists (PE, Art, Music) Counselor Transportation representative Parent liaison Student? PBIS coach (pupil services)
Expectations Schools identify 3 to 5 overarching expectations which reflect the needs of the school community. The expectations are stated briefly and in a positive manner. They often address: Respect Responsibility Safety
Expected behaviors are visible in all areas of the school community
Student Participation
Teaching Matrix ClassroomCafeteriaBusHallwayAssembly Respect Others Eat your own food Stay in your seat Stay to right Arrive on time to speaker Respect Environ- ment & Property Return trays Keep feet on floor Put trash in cans Take litter with you Respect Yourself Wash your hands Be at stop on time Use your words Listen to speaker Respect Learning Eat balanced diet Go directly from bus to class Go directly to class Discuss topic in class w/ others
Expectations & behavioral skills are taught & recognized in natural context
Discipline is…. The actions parents and teachers take to increase student success (Charles, 1980). Prevention Rules, Routines, Arrangements Reaction Consequences
Recognize Appropriate Behaviors Once appropriate behaviors have been introduced and taught, they need to be recognized on a regular basis.
Acknowledgements Natural success “thanks” Public acknowledgement Privileges Tangibles –Small to large
Acknowledge & Recognize Respecting All Self Yields Others Success Property ……………………………………………….. Student __________________ Staff _____________________ Location __________________
Student Recognition at Hamilton The staff at Hamilton Elementary will strive to recognize positive behavior and achievement on an on-going basis. In addition to verbal praise, children will be recognized in a variety of ways throughout the school year. Recognition of good decision-making and achievements on the part of students and adults goes far in helping one develop positive self-worth and motivation to achieve.
Consistent Consequences Responding to negative behavior –Immediate and consistent –Try to keep with natural consequences –Use the least amount necessary to get desired behavior –Pre-plan and teach –Correction and re-teaching Use only with reinforcement for replacement behavior Should defeat function of problem behavior
Redirection Planned ignoring Restitution Re-teaching Time-out Behavior Contracts Crisis Planning Proximity & Movement Modeling Eye Contact Cueing (verbal & nonverbal) Corrective Consequences: Maintaining Desired/Expected Student Behavior
Sustain and Maintain Progress Identify trends or areas of problem behaviors AND successes Identify needed interventions Provide clarity for staff in how to respond to behaviors
Next Steps Staff ownership & Administrative Support Self Assessment Team training Present to staff and students Action Plan Team representative of the staff
PBIS involves the entire staff –you decide what your focus will be –you decide how you will monitor and evaluate progress –you decide what your goals are –you decide what you’ll do to get there –you decide whether to keep going or change
Obtain 80% Staff Consensus Obtain 80% Staff Consensus A “YES” vote means that I agree to: Provide input in determining what our school’s priorities are and what our goals should be Make decisions about rules, expectations, and procedures in the commons areas of the school as a school community Follow through with all schoolwide decisions Commit to positive behavior support systems for a full year - allowing performance toward our goal to determine future plans
Resources National Center on Positive Behavior Interventions and Support PBIS Maryland
Creating a Positive Climate for Success with School-wide PBIS