Pronunciation and Speaking Instructor: Melissa Smith Class Time: Tuesday 3-6 pm WELCOME!!!
Our goals: Work on these vowels: /au/ (/aw/ pg. 67 in your book) /ər/ pg. 75 Learn about thought groups and intonation Work on these consonants: /l/, /r/ (pg. 178-190) Prepare for next week’s presentations!
The Vowels of North American English IPA Exp. /i/ green /ɛr/ purple /u/ blue /I/ pink /ʊ/ soot /e/ gray /ʌ/ rust /o/ gold /ɛ/ red /ə/ aqua* /ɔ/ mauve /æ/ black /ɑ/ aqua /ai/ white /ɔi/ oyster /au/ brown
Phoneme Focus: /au/ “house” (/aw/ in the book) How do we make it? ml Word Pairs! (p. 67) Listen and repeat Test yourself! Listen and show the word you hear or Practice with your partner Vocabulary (E) Stress and Linking in Phrasal Verbs
Phoneme Focus: /ər/ “word” How do we make it? ml Word Pairs! (p. 67) Listen and repeat Test yourself! Listen and show the word you hear or Practice with your partner Vocabulary Tag Questions (I DISAGREE!!!) Conversation Practice
Phoneme Focus: /l / “light, fall” How do we make it? Word Pairs! (p. 160) Listen and repeat Test yourself! Listen and show the word you hear or Practice with your partner Quiz: Night owl or early bird?
Phoneme Focus: /r / “right” How do we make it? Word Pairs! (p. 183) Listen and repeat Test yourself! Listen and show the word you hear or Practice with your partner F. Discussion
Thought Groups In English, we split up all of our sentences into Thought Groups Small chunks of information Why? Easier to digest as a listener Easier to convey as a speaker Breathing breaks for speakers!
Thought Groups A couple more things… Rule 8-4 Rule 8-5 Rule 8-6 Exercise 6, 1-4 Rule 8-5 Exercise 7, group1- 1, group 2-2, group 3- 3 Rule 8-6 Exercise 9, 1-7 Rule 8-7 Exercise 10, group1- 1,2, group 2-2,3, group 3- 4,5 Exercise 11 (time permitting)
Break! Take 10 minutes. When you come back we will talk more about intonation, and then you will work on thought groups and intonation with your .
Intonation and Thought Groups What is the difference in meaning in these sentences: -Keiko doesn't like her job. -Keiko doesn't like her job? -Keiko doesn't like her job
Intonation and Thought Groups How does intonation change the meaning in these two sentences? -Who does Keiko work for? Listening 2, page 124
Intonation and Thought Groups Rules 9-1 and 9-2 Look at Exercise 1 -pick one sentence and make it into a dialogue -Practice using falling and rising intonation
Intonation can change the meaning Keiko doesn’t like her job. (statement) Keiko doesn’t like her job? (surprise, question) Keiko doesn’t like her job… (incomplete sentence) interfering with her studies
Practice Intonation Exercise 1 Pick one sentence and make it into a story or dialogue Break the dialogue up into thought groups Identify a focus word for each thought group Use intonation to indicate meaning Practice your story or dialogue with a partner
Rising and Falling intonation Review Rule 9-4 and Rule 9-5 Are clarification questions rising or falling? (ex.) The number is 555-9435 555-9435? (clarify the 4th number) Right, 555-9435. Exercise 3, pg. 129, part a and part b Mix these up! Clarification, yes/no, questions you know the answers to. Practice with a partner. Give an appropriate response.
Presentation Practice With your partner, take about 15 minutes to brainstorm a potential topic you want to focus on What interests you? Which prompt looks the most interesting? When you have both decided on a topic, start discussing how you would present it Come up with a mini presentation Fill out the worksheet (also available in your book on page 149 and 150)
Homework… Make sure you focus on everything for your final presentation! Consonant and Vowel Sounds Syllables (Are you saying the right number? Endings?) Stress Unstressed syllables/rhythm Thought Groups Intonation Good luck! I can’t wait to hear your presentations next week!