South Asia Physical Geography, culture, religion, populations
South Asia The seven countries of South Asia have great cultural and religious diversity. The countries are: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.
Seven Countries of South Asia Tear drop island
Three of the World’s most populated countries are in South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) 1China1,336,718,015 2India1,189,172,906 3United States 313,232,044 4Indonesia 245,613,043 5Brazil 203,429,773 6Pakistan 187,342,721 7Bangladesh 158,570,535 8 Nigeria 155,215,573 9Russia 138,739, Japan 126,475,664 TOTAL World Population6.9 billion (9.25 by 2050) *Courtesy U.S. Census Bureau, December 31, (India is projected to have the highest population in the World by 2050, 1.65 billion)
Geographic Features Himalayan Mountains (Mt. Everest, world’s tallest peak in the heart) Countries of Nepal and Bhutan within. The Hindu Kush mountains created a rugged barrier between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Site of many historical bloody battles- fought over passage ways Thar Desert (straddles NW India, SE Pakistan) Three rivers systems Indus (thru Pakistan), Ganges (India), and Brahmaputra (Bangladesh)
South Asia The world’s highest mountains, the Himalayas, form the northern boarder of India The Himalayas isolate South Asia from the rest of Asia, serving as a border!
The Himalaya mountains are the result of a landmass collision between sub-continent India from the south and China/Tibet from the North!
Western Ghats were a barrier to trade development, hard for traders to reach the land!
Western Ghats About one-third of the plants, almost half the reptiles, and more than three-fourths of the amphibians known in India are found in this narrow strip of rainforest just off the west coast.
Western Ghats SW Ghats home to the largest population of Asian elephants, as well as Bengal tigers, sloth bears, and much more. Mounting threats The Western Ghats were once covered in dense forests. Today, a large part of the range has been logged or converted to agricultural land for tea, coffee, rubber and oil palm, or cleared for livestock grazing, reservoirs and roads.
Mohandas Gandhi Revered in India as the "Father India was part of the British Empire, and Gandhi urged non-violence and civil disobedience as a means to independence. His public acts of defiance landed him in jail many times as the struggle continued through World War II. In 1947 he participated in the postwar negotiations with Britain that led to Indian independence. He was shot to death by a Hindu fanatic the next year Gandhi is often called Mahatma -- the Hindu term for "great soul” Among his many famous quotes is the saying, "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind"...
Indira Gandhi Prime minister of India from and One of the most famous women in 20th century politics. A feminist and woman of substance who helped India, fought for democracy and valiantly for women's rights in a man's world." 1964 she was elected to the parliament. 1980, when she was again elected to be prime minister In 1984 she used the military to suppress Sikh rebels and ordered an attack on a Sikh shrine in Amritsar; a few months later, Gandhi was assassinated by her bodyguards.
India Notes Questions Name_______________ Date______ Period___- 1. What is the largest country in terms of population in South Asia? 2. List the 7 South Asian countries. 3. What geographic feature separates South Asia from the rest of Asia? 4. Which South Asia country is tear drop in shape? 5. What desert is found in South Asia? 6. What area is home to Bengal Tigers and Asia’s largest elephant herd? 7. Who is considered the “father of India”? 8. Which country ruled India during the 1920s- 1940s? 9. Who was Indira Gandhi? Notes: