Measurements in Fluid Mechanics 058:180 (ME:5180) Time & Location: 2:30P - 3:20P MWF 3315 SC Office Hours: 4:00P – 5:00P MWF 223B-5 HL Instructor: Lichuan Gui Phone: (Lab), (Cell)
2 Lecture 21. Temperature measurement
3 Temperature measurement Temperature scales - three temperature scales in use today, Fahrenheit ( F), Celsius ( C) and Kelvin (K) Fahrenheit temperature scale for the boiling point of water - 32 for the freezing point of water - interval divided into 180 parts Celsius, or centigrade, scale for the boiling point of water - 0 for the freezing point of water - conversion formula: F = 9/5C + 32 Kelvin temperature scale - base unit in International System (SI) of measurement - zero point at absolute zero - difference between the freezing and boiling points of water is 100 degrees - conversion formula: K = C + 273
4 Temperature measurement Thermometers - liquid-in-glass thermometers Thermal expansion thermometers - based on the thermoelectric effect Thermocouples - based on the relationship between temperature and electric resistance Resistance thermometers - include metallic resistance sensors (RTDs), and semiconductor resistance sensors - bimetallic thermometers Coil elements
5 Temperature measurement Liquid-in-glass thermometers - constriction may be used to measure maximal or minimal temperature - a bulb, a reservoir in which the working liquid can expand or contract in volume - a stem, a glass tube containing a tiny capillary connected to the bulb and enlarged at the bottom into a bulb that is partially filled with a working liquid. The tube's bore is extremely small - less than 0.5 mm in diameter - a temperature scale is fixed or engraved on the stem supporting the capillary tube to indicate the range and the value of the temperature. The liquid-in-glass thermometers is usually calibrated against a standard thermometer and at the melting point of water - a reference point, a calibration point, the most common being the ice point - a working liquid, usually mercury or alcohol - an inert gas is used for mercury intended to high temperature. The thermometer is filled with an inert gas such as argon or nitrogen above the mercury to reduce its volatilization.
6 Temperature measurement Liquid-in-glass thermometers - Typical resolution: K - Immersion types: partial Immersion (inserted in fluid up to marked line) total immersion (inserted in fluid up to liquid column) complete immersion (entirely immersed in fluid) - total immersion required to avoid errors due to temperature difference between immersed and non-immersed sections - stem correction necessary with partial immersion thermometers e.g. for mercury-in-glass thermometers: - disadvantage: poor spatial and temporal resolutions - advantage: excellent laboratory standards for calibration of other instruments
7 Temperature measurement Bimetallic thermometers - two thin plates of different materials - bonded together tightly with one end fixed & another free - vastly different thermal expansion coefficient - curvature of the assembly changed due to temperature variation - helically or spiral coiled assembly used to amplify motion resulting from temperature change Bimetallic thermometer (flat, spiral strip) - bimetallic assemblies also used in thermostatic controls - typical resolution about 1% of full scale, and maximal operation temperature around 500 C
8 Temperature measurement Thermocouples Thermocouple configuration Seebeck effect - Any electrical conductor will develop a potential difference (thermoelectric voltage) between two of its points that have a temperature difference. - two dissimilar metallic wires (e.g. A and B) joined firmly at two junctions - one junction exposed to the temperature of interest (e.g. T 1 ) - the other one (reference junction) kept at known constant temperature (e.g. T 2 ) - reference junction conventionally immersed in an ice bath for reference temperature of 0 C - constant reference temperature also provided with an electronically controlled heated block - common types of thermocouples and their properties - typical resolution in the order of 1 C - highest temperature of 2930 C by tungsten-rhenium type
9 Temperature measurement Thermocouples Sensor & measuring circuit
10 Temperature measurement Resistance thermometers Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) - pure metal thermometers of platinum (most popular and accurate), nickel, or copper - typical resolution of 0.1 K, possible high resolution of K - non-linear response fitted with low-order polynomials e.g. resistance R pt of platinum RTD in the range 0f C described by Callendar-Van Dusen equation R pt0 – resistance at 0 C Cold-wires - similar construction to HW Thermistors - semiconductor elements whose resistance is a very strong function of temperature. - high frequency response in temperature measurement - extremely high sensitivity to temperature - non-linear response
11 Homework - Questions and Problems: 6 on page Read textbook on page Due on 10/15
12 to select image samples in a 32×32-pixel window from two images at x=400, y=200 Learn to write a Matlab program Example of Matlab program: clear; A1=imread('A001_1.bmp'); A2=imread('A001_2.bmp'); G1=img2xy(A1); G2=img2xy(A2); M=32; N=32; x=400; y=200; g1=sample01(G1,M,N,x,y); g2=sample01(G2,M,N,x,y); g1=g1-mean(mean(g1)); g2=g2-mean(mean(g2)); c=xcorr2(g1,g2); [cm Sx Sy]=peaksearch(c,20) C=xy2img(c); imwrite(C,'C.bmp','bmp'); to remove mean gray values of the 2 image samples to determine cross-correlation function to determine particle image displacement