First Amendment Rights Ashley Fazenbaker Grade 5
Lesson Plan Social Studies First Amendment Rights Objective: To identify rights and responsibilities of citizenship in the U.S. important to preserving a democratic society. Process: 1. Give the students a copy of the Bill of Rights 2. Show the PowerPoint about the Bill of Rights 3. Have the students answer the questions to the quiz at the end of the PowerPoint 4. Hold a discussion as to why the bill of rights is important in America 5. Have the students respond by listing each individual right in their own words with an example of each right Evaluation: The student is able to communicate clearly and understand the First Amendment. The student has completed the PowerPoint quiz and actively participated in the discussion. The student has also turned in their examples of each of the First Amendment Rights. Materials: Textbook Internet access Computer with projector for PowerPoint Copy of the Bill of Rights/First Amendment
The First Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Let’s Break it Down.. The First Amendment does several things for American citizens. It protects our rights against: 1. Speech 2. Press 3. Religion 4. Petition 5. Assembly
1. Speech The First Amendment says that people have the right to speak freely without government interference
2. Press The First Amendment gives the press the right to publish news, information and opinions without government interference. This also means that people have the right to publish their own newspapers, newsletters and magazines.
3. Religion The First Amendment prohibits government from establishing a religion and protects each person’s right to practice (or not) any faith without government interference.
4. Petition The First Amendment says that people have the right to appeal government in favor of or against policies that affect them or they feel strongly about. This includes the right to gather signatures in support of a cause and to lobby legislative bodies
5. Assembly The First Amendment says that people have the right to gather in public to march, protest, demonstrate, carry signs and otherwise express their views in a nonviolent nature. It also means that people can join groups and organizations without government interference.
Let’s Test our Knowledge!! A quiz over the information we just learned! Click on the answer you think is right! It will link you to the answer! We will test our knowledge base with this quiz and prove if we are ready to further our education on early American Government Remember the 5 different aspects of the First Amendment Rights!
Question 1 A person prints and hands out flier protesting the government policy on stem cell research. Is this… 1. Assembly Assembly 2. Press Press 3. Religion Religion
Answer The correct answer is Press. This is because the person in the statement had printed out a flier. 1. is wrong because the statement said nothing about a group of people assembling 3. is wrong because the statement said nothing about religion
Question 2 A church doesn’t agree with public education so the children of the church are homeschooled. Is this… 1. Speech Speech 2. Petition Petition 3. Religion Religion
Answer The correct answer is Religion. This is because the church disagrees with public education, therefore it is against the children’s religion. 1. is wrong because this statement does not deal with freedom of speech 2. is wrong because this statement is not a petition against the government
Question 3 A person starts a petition to increase minimum wage and asks his neighbors to sign it. Is this… 1. Religion Religion 2. Petition Petition 3. Assembly Assembly
Answer The correct answer is Petition. This is because the person in this statement starts a petition against minimum wage. 1. is wrong because this statement is not dealing with religion 3. is wrong because there was no peaceful assembly
Conclusion Hopefully you now have a better understanding of the First Amendment Rights. We will continue our education regarding early American government! Good Job!!
Bibliography Bill of Rights Transcript. Rotunda of Natural Archives Building, Washington D.C. Retrieved 04 October Web. The 5 First Amendment Freedoms. Illinois First Amendment Center. Retrieved 04 October Web.
Answer Incorrect! Please click the home button to review the information and try the question again!