Applying Positive Psychology in Guidance and Counselling to Enhance Career Management Skills Anna-Lisa Ciccocioppo, Ph.D., University of Calgary Janet Miller, Ph.D., Mount Royal College Sonya Flessati, Ph.D., Mount Royal College Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Outline What is Positive Psychology, and why use it? Applications – Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – Counselling – Career Guidance Assessment of Strengths, Virtues and Successes – Informal – Formal (e.g., VIA-IS; Seligman & Peterson, 2002) Conclusion
What is Positive Psychology? “The scientific study of positive experiences and positive individual traits, and the institutions that facilitate their development” (Duckworth, Steen, & Seligman, 2005, p. 630).
Martin Seligman in 1998 called for a fundamental shift in the science of psychology. Seligman (1998) identified the term “positive psychology”. Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi (2000) suggested that the shift should be made towards a science of optimal functioning vs. being disease-focused.
Why Positive Psychology? A predominant focus in psychology has been on psychopathology. Not a lot of attention has been given to the nature of psychological health. The “negative” focus has taken psychologists away from examining human strengths.
Why Positive Psychology? There is an awareness that many human strengths act as buffers against mental illness. “A complete practice of psychology should include an understanding of suffering and happiness” (Seligman, Steen, Park & Peterson, 2005, p. 410). Studying what is right with people “can help raise everyone’s level of functioning, not just that of the mentally ill.” (Shushok & Hulme, 2006).
Applications of Positive Psychology Positive Psychology aims to nurture positive emotions, identify strengths, & foster virtues in people and institutions, all of which can lead toward “a path of sustainable happiness rather than short-lived pleasure” (Shushok & Hulme, 2006, p. 3). Is this not something that counselling and career guidance also seeks?
Applications to Counselling Counselling Psychology has always maintained a “positive”, strengths-based focus on the individual congruent with Positive Psychology approach Counselling Psychology & Positive Psychology share a focus on: strengths, skills, abilities, interests, etc.
Positive Psychology contributes a prevention- oriented focus to counselling Emphasizes – Resilience and enhancing quality of life through the nurturing of individual virtues such as courage, hope, forgiveness and perseverance – Long-term mental health and enhanced quality of life (Ingram & Snyder, 2006).
Application to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Positive Psychology may enhance the efficacy of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT; Karwoski, Garratt, & Ilardi, 2006) through its emphasis on identifying and cultivating individual strengths.
Conceptual overlaps between PP and CBT have been identified, including -Establishing a strong therapeutic alliance -Focus on discrete goals & here-and-now -Cognitive reappraisal -Client as a collaborative partner Techniques involved in both include: pleasant activities scheduling, identifying and reviewing success experiences, mood monitoring, relaxation training, and problem solving (Karwoski et al., 2006).
Applications to Career Guidance and Counselling Area of vocational psychology within counselling psychology has consistently emphasized human strengths Focus on a client’s human strengths and their application to one’s career development → clients can enhance their career exploration and broaden the range of perceived options
Advances in the career development literature have normalized the unplanned career and not having all career plans figured out, and framed these in a positive way Gelatt’s (1989) “positive uncertainty” encourages us to be focused and flexible aware and wary objective and optimistic, and practical and magical when making career decisions
Mitchell, Levin, & Krumboltz’s (1999) concept of “planned happenstance” focuses on creating and transforming unplanned events into career opportunities – Curiosity is valued – Indecision is re-framed as open-mindedness
Assessment of Strengths, Virtues, and Successes Informal – Direct questions, reflective questions, fantasy questions, third party perspectives Formal – Use of the Values In Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS; Seligman & Peterson, 2002)
Informal Assessment of Strengths Direct questions – Attempt to highlight what the client already knows and recognizes about their strengths. Reflective questions – Probe a bit deeper and challenge the client to reflect on past experiences, accomplishments or challenges. Discussion could revolve around themes related to strengths and virtues.
Fantasy questions – Provide the client with an opportunity to use their imagination to explore possibilities, acknowledge interests and focus on “out of the box” options. Third Party Perspectives – Help to circumvent internal barriers that sometimes get in the way of acknowledging strengths and virtues. Clients can explore what they appreciate in others and what others say they appreciate in them.
Formal Assessment of Strengths A formal assessment of a client’s strengths can be done using an instrument such as the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS; Seligman & Peterson, 2002) This can be used in conjunction with more traditional career counselling inventories: – Strong Interest Inventory – Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Which can be interpreted from a strengths-based approach.
Values in Action Survey (VIA-IS) Self-report, 240 Questions Free, online tool (registration required) 24 Strengths and Virtues assessed Six broad categories represented
Signature Strengths – Creativity – Curiosity – Open-Mindedness – Love of Learning – Perspective – Bravery – Persistence – Integrity & Authenticity – Love – Kindness – Social Intelligence – Teamwork – Fairness – Leadership – Zest & Vitality
Signature Strengths – Forgiveness & Mercy – Modesty and Humility – Prudence – Self-Regulation – Gratitude – Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence – Hope – Humour – Spirituality
Questions to Explore with Clients How do they view their strengths as playing a role in their decision-making? Are these strengths themes among their most similar occupations? How can these strengths help them in the process of career exploration and in their future career and life roles?
Future Directions in Career Guidance and Counselling Are certain virtues celebrated more in certain fields or professions? Can the application of virtues add to career exploration? Is job satisfaction congruent with expression of virtues or strengths?
Anna-Lisa Ciccocioppo Thank You!