We are paperless and scan 100% of our documents We maintain ZERO paper student files We destroy all paper via Secure Document Destruction Currently use Banner Document Management Suite (BDMS) Previously utilized Imagenow
Time Savings Implementation and Transition Lessons Learned Operational Procedures Additional Uses
We have estimated student file management time savings of: 40+ hours/week
Develop a Strategy BDMS Electronic Filing
OUR GOAL: 1) Reduce chaos of document processing 2) Designated scanning/indexing staff 3) Start with only current year files 4) Scan/Index all verification and loan documents for current year. 5) Final Phase of Implementation-Scan the student’s file history
Fear of Change Training…. and more training Hardware must compliment software We learned quickly that imaging functions best with two monitors: one for Banner and the other for BDMS Learning lessons on what was live while implementing new items Scanning options like batch processing and by document type Moving to scanning documents together, no matter the type Bar Coding Documents Attaching documents with duel indexes
Cost savings on paper and filing supplies Reduced the risk of LOST documents Improved processing times No more paper shuffling-Reduced our standard peak processing time Provide efficient service-View or process documents effortlessly without a hold time for students or staff Multiple Staff members can view a students records simultaneously
How to voiding human error? Did the student submitted their original document and need it back? Did a back page not get scanned? Did a document not make it into BDMS? How did we improved the process/procedure to help with resolution quality of a document? Through trial and error, our process has improved such that locating a hard copy is needed for only a small percentage of items
Create Documents Standards-meaning documents need to meet certain criteria Legible Black or Blue ink Paper cannot be crumpled or have torn edges and must be able to go through scanner without jamming
Written in pencil? Make a copy and darken the image Torn edges or incompatible scanning size? Make a copy to ensure proper scanning Once in a great while, a student may need to resubmit something if we are unable to correct the imaging quality
Technology changes and updates Adobe, Java, etc. Computer upgrades Internet Explorer Active X Controls Banner or BDM updates Resolution-Exercising caution and patience Be cautious with auto installs Be patient with PC Technicians
Communication is an imperative component for efficient document management! Cross-campus communication Partnership between Financial Aid, Division and other departments.
Documents are accepted through multiple channels with scanned documents attached Paper documents turned in in person Fax Snail Mail
Items and Processes to Consider Checking in documents Preparing documents for scanning Scanning documents Importing batches Indexing batch documents Verifying indexed documents Finalizing and retrieving documents Fixing mistakes and troubleshooting
Quality Controls Each item is reviewed and confirmed as indexed correctly Correct number of pages Indexed to the correct student Tracking requirements updated appropriately After items are verified Paper is sent to secured document shredding bin
Departments Involved Financial Aid Office Admissions Records Information Technology (IT) Financial Aid Department teamwork Clear communication Open to ideas form improvement Working together to address inefficiencies