Climates of Canada SS 10: Ms. Pasichnyk pp. 25-27: “New” Horizons Textbook.


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Presentation transcript:

Climates of Canada SS 10: Ms. Pasichnyk pp : “New” Horizons Textbook

There are many different climates in Canada P. 26 identifies 11 different climate regions in Canada What are the different climate regions in BC, in your magazine article project? However there are 2 broad types of climate: Continental & Maritime

Continental Climate i.e.Manitoba: temperature ranges are extreme & precipitation is low

Maritime Climate i.e. British Columbia: this climate has milder temperatures & high precipitation due to it’s location close to the ocean

5 Factors that affect Temperature in Canada’s Regions Latitude Altitude Distance from sea Wind direction Ocean currents

Latitude: Distance of a place from the equator

Altitude Usually, the higher the altitude the colder the temperature

Distance from the sea The closer to the water, the less extreme the temperature. Water moderates the temperatures.

Wind Direction Facts: Wind blowing off the ocean moderates the temperature, whereas, wind blowing off of the land increases the temperature differences.

Ocean Currents *are either warm or cold depending on where they are from

Canada’s Ocean Currents West coast has a warm current=milder climate East coast has a colder current= harsher winters

3 Types of Precipitation (rain, snow, hail, fog) in Western Canada Convectional Orographic Frontal COF

Convectional Precipitation n.gifText

Orographic Precipitation

Frontal Precipitation When cold, arctic air meets warm tropical air (fronts meeting) mages/ mages/coldfront.GIF

Activities to do: In small groups do p. 28 Questions #2, 3 4 & 6 Individually do p. 28 Question #5

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