new 1. Doorbuster- Do you have your vocabulary strips from last Friday (Unit B), glued/stuck into your comp. books? Do you have your new foldable for Unit B? Have your foldable and composition book out and ready. Get supplies as needed. Today: 1. Test on Following Directions (100% for trying, daily grade) 2. Foldable check- finish filling your smush book out completely- due checked during Ticket Out.
Smush book (foldable) instructions: 1.Hot dog style; crease the fold 2.Fold it down one more time and crease 3.Fold it down one more time and crease 4.Open it 5.Fold hamburger style 6.Cut from the fold to mid-point (cross creased) 7.Fold hot dog style 8.Push in/smush so “mouth” opens 9.Smush together = book 10.Fold down in half, then open back to book 11. See front board for how to fill it out
new 1. Doorbuster- Do you have your vocabulary strips from last Friday (Unit 13), glued/stuck into your comp. books? Do you have your new foldable for Unit 13? Have your foldable and composition book out and ready. Get supplies as needed. Today: 1. Test on Following Directions (100% for trying, daily grade) 2. Foldable check- finish filling your smush book out completely- due checked during Ticket Out.
Smush book (foldable) instructions: 1.Hot dog style; crease the fold 2.Fold it down one more time and crease 3.Fold it down one more time and crease 4.Open it 5.Fold hamburger style 6.Cut from the fold to mid-point (cross creased) 7.Fold hot dog style 8.Push in/smush so “mouth” opens 9.Smush together = book 10.Fold down in half, then open back to book 11. See front board for how to fill it out
Sign to a friend seated near you- What did you do this weekend? Answer to at least one person.
Since our classes are in ASL environment only, it is imperative that you read all directions on the PowerPoints. Your daily grade depends on you signing the information you see… Some students struggle with this Today: a test (daily grade) on following directions- 100% for trying, turned in to me. It may take you 2 min. or 20 min.- take your time. Turn it over on your desk when finished. Then, when everyone is done, more class work
How would you translate these sentences into ASL? Pay special attention to the underlined English words. 1. Be careful, or you will trip! 2. We planned our trip together. 3. Whoa, that rollercoaster went upside- down, what a trip! 4. Will you check my answers for me? 5.Mom wrote a check for the school. 6.If you get a check, the answer is wrong.
P. 203 red Master ASL! Books- please read ASL Up Close- each person Now, in your new groups, write down as many uses of the following words as you can (write a sample English sentence for each): “watch”, “sign”, “pool” and “play” (we will put these on the document reader to see as a class)
Which signs do you know (if any)? Copy video and Dr. Weast