Good Practices in National Communications of non-Annex I Parties CGE Workshop Cairo, Egypt 20-22 September 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Good Practices in National Communications of non-Annex I Parties CGE Workshop Cairo, Egypt September 2007

2 Good Practices Promote Quality Clarity Sustainability

3 Good Practice Concepts Clear institutional arrangements including roles and responsibilities Teams that integrate the production of the NC into normal work area Establishment of priorities Documentation of methodologies, models, data, etc.

4 Good Practice Concepts cont. Information maintenance system Quality Assurance/Quality Control Education, training and other forms of capacity building for national communications Improvement plan

5 Clear Institutional Arrangements NCs generally evidence clear institutional arrangements; level of information varies Bahamas Environment, Science and Technology Commission coordinated the development of the INC with support of the National Climate Change Committee and multiple institutions; details provided

6 Clear Institutional Arrangements Chile’s National Environment Commission coordinated the development of the INC; information provided on institutions responsible for GHG inventory and selection and analysis of mitigation measures The preparation of Tanzania’s INC was coordinated by the Division of Environment under the guidance of the National Climate Change Steering Committee; details provided on the participation of other institutions

7 Teams Integrate INC in Normal Work Areas Institutional and process descriptions suggest strongly that integration often occurs Cuba’s INC identified three primary teams of individuals from agencies with expertise and responsibilities directly related to the work on the INC

8 Teams Integrate INC in Normal Work Areas cont. Korea established six task forces and five research teams staffed with specialists from agencies with responsibilities and expertise directly related to their work on the INC Mauritius created a multi-sectoral National Climate Committee which established interagency working groups to evaluate impacts on agriculture, coastal zones, energy and water resources, health and welfare, and to create the GHG inventory

9 Priority Setting Priorities sometimes set Ghana INC provides good information on the establishment of priorities for attention Mexico identified priority sectors for detailed vulnerability and adaptation analysis Uruguay NC describes priority setting criteria and focuses on resulting sectors

10 Documentation Almost all 17 NCs provide good information/documentation on methodologies, models, data, etc.

11 Information Maintenance Most of the 17 NCs do not provide information on information maintenance/management Korea proposes development of a GHG National Registration System and has implemented a plan to create a database by industry and technology Mexico created a Web portal database to manage the information required by the GHG inventory

12 Information Maintenance cont. Uruguay used a data management system to store and manipulate GHG inventory data and placed the inventory data for it’s first and second NCs on a webpage to allow comparison

13 QA/QC Most of the 17 national communications do not address quality assurance and control Cuba identified various QA procedures and documented the process of reviewing GHG inventory data, including third party reviews

14 QA/QC cont. India provided a good description of its QA/QC process for the GHG inventory Singapore described a four stage QA/QC process for its GHG inventory Tanzania described QA procedures, including independent expert review

15 Education and Capacity Building A few of the 17 NCs provided information on education and activities for building capacity to produce national communications; many did not Cuba described UNDP sponsored trainings and workshops that supported the NC Tanzania described efforts to build capacity and expertise for producing the NC

16 Improvement Plan Most of the 17 national communications provided information on needs, opportunities and possible activities for improving climate change related information and knowledge A few identified specific activities or plans for improving their next NC, e.g., Albania, Chile, India, Madagascar and Uruguay

17 Conclusions Based on 17 national communications: Institutional arrangements, integration of work into areas of ongoing responsibility, and documentation of work are common practices Additional attention to priority setting, quality assurance and control, relevant capacity building, and plans for improvement may be useful More widespread development/use of information maintenance and retrieval systems would facilitate sustainability