1 Workshop on Quality Control and Quality Assurance of Greenhouse Gas Inventories and the Establishment of National Inventory Systems 2-3 September 2004 European Environment Agency The Danish QA/QC programme and plan Peter Borgen Sørensen, Jytte Boll Illerup & Malene Nielsen National Environmental Research Institute Department of Policy Analysis Denmark
2 Transparency in data presentation handling and calculations Consistency from year to year and the methodological approach in general Accuracy for the emission estimates The IPCC Good Practice Guidance will be followed Based on defined levels in data/inventory hierarchy as defined on the next slide QA/QC programme and plan Description and elements of the national QA/QC program
3 QA/QC programme and plan Description and elements of the national QA/QC program 1. Review of existing data structure 2. Review of existing methods 3. Review of the uncertainty calculations 3. Modifying data structure 4. Filling up methodological gabs 5. Writing manuals 6. Setting up control measures
4 Level 4 Level 2 Level 5 Inventory model E, E Calculation based on emissionfactors Calculation based on source statistic Source unit S, S Source strength S S, S S Activity unit A, A Activity strength A S, A S External data sources Data Compilation Level 3 Sub model predictions Level 1 Review of data Review of interpretation Repport E, E QC/QA activities Strategy for implementation of a QA/QC plan: Bottom up !
5 QA/QC programme and plan Stage of development Many aspects of the QA/QC work are already implemented in the emission inventories and two sectors are selected for review and full QA/QC development for 2004: Stationary combustion Agriculture The following will primary be based on specifically the stationary combustion
6 Check of time series of the IPCC and SNAP source categories as they are found in the CORINAIR database. Comparison to inventory of the previous year, both for totals and for every larger source Total emissions when aggregated to IPCC source categories are compared to totals based in SNAP source categories. QA/QC programme and plan Stage of development
7 QA/QC programme and plan Stage of development A manual log table have been introduced in the emission databases to collect information about recalculations Verification using the IPCC reference approach Tier 1 uncertainty calculations
8 Automated checks in the database: - Units for fuel rate, emission, factor and plant specific emissions - Emission factors for larger point sources - Database consistency i different ways -Incorporation of the emission factors in the database itself QA/QC programme and plan Stage of development
9 Quality Control How is the requirements of the IPCC Tier 1 general inventory level QC Procedure implemented ? Many aspects in Tier 1 is already addressed, however, the following will be strengthen: - Check the integrity of database files - Check for consistency in data between source categories - Check that uncertainties in emissions and removals are estimated or calculated correctly - Undertake review of internal documentation Database and inventory calculation programming Included in the procedure
10 Quality Control Which institutions are routinely conducting QC checks ? At which frequency ? What tools are used ? How are the checks documented ? NERI is conducting all QC as a integrated part of the inventory work. Tools are partly manually inspection and partly automated as Access database programming. The documentation takes place in the inventory report. Are electronic or automated checks used and if yes what type of checks ? Yes, as Access database programming
11 How are the requirements of the IPCC Tier 2 source category-specific QC procedures implemented (for emissions data, activity data and uncertainty estimates)? Quality Control A Tier 2 approach is implemented for the quantification of emission factor, where plant specific conditions are taken into account for the major sources. The reference approach are used for fuel combustion The uncertainty analysis is at Tier 1, however, the rather limited uncertainty does not seem to induced a strong need for more complicated uncertainty techniques.
12 How is the inventory agency dealing with QC checks for emission estimates prepared by external institutions (e.g. statistical offices) or data collected by external agencies, companies or consultants? Quality Control Template under development for external data sources: 1. Explicit link and contact person 2. Establishment of solid (written) agreements for future data supply 3. Archiving of data in a transparent way 4. Evaluation of QC
13 Which approaches exist for the assessment of the applicability of IPCC or CORINAIR default emission factors to national circumstances? Non, but for all major sources country-specific emission factors are used Quality Control
14 How are QC checks for country-specific emission factors conducted? Quality Control The country-specific emission factors are compared to IPCC or CORINAR default emission factors and differences will be explained The main part of the country-specific emission factors comes form companies accredited for air emission measurements Annual environmental reports are kept for subsequently control of plant specific emission data What are the results of QC checks which are already implemented?
15 Quality assurance What review procedures are in place by personnel not directly involved in the inventory development/compilation process (e.g. expert peer review, audits)? The emission inventory for the various sectors are documented in reports and the reports are send to national expert not involved in the inventory work The report for stationary combustion plants has been send to an expert at the CHEC (Combustion and Harmful Emission Control) Research Centre, the Technical University of Denmark What are the results of QA procedures which are already implemented? The results are not available yet
16 Verification What external verification processes were implemented or planned by personnel not involved in the inventory development/compilation process? A project is just initiated in where emission intensity values will be compared with values for similar countries Was the inventory compared with other data available, e.g. from other national or international inventories? A comparison with inventories of other nationalities is under process.
17 Quality Manual Was a Quality manual elaborated? Which elements does it contain? Is under development based on the data flow structure outlined above Quality management systems What definitions and standards are used? How is quality management integrated into the inventory preparation (QC, QA, improvement process / national inventory system)? Under development !
18 Documentation, archiving How are requirements for documentation and archiving implemented? Templet under development for external data sources: 1. Explicit link and contact person 2. Establishment of solid (written) agreements for future data supply 3. Archiving of data in a transparent way 4. Evaluation of QC Clear system for references as an integrated part of the database structure
19 Resources required For the national QA/QC plan For the development and implementation of a quality management system For the QA/QC training (the kind of training should be specified) Not specified !
20 National Inventory Systems Which organisations and institutions are involved Responsible institute: The National Environmental Research Institute Other Institute involved: The Danish Energy Authority, The Danish Environmental Protection Agency, The Statistics Denmark, The Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, The Road Directorate, The Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, The Civil Aviation Agency of Denmark, The Danish Railways and Danish companies Providing of data from other institutes: Until now it has been on a voluntary basis but more formal agreements are now being worked out.
21 National Inventory Systems What type of electronic database systems and/or software systems are used for the inventory preparation? The background data (activity data and emission factors) for estimation the Danish emission inventories is stored in central databases placed at NERI. The databases are in Access format and handled with software developed by the European Environmental Agency and NERI
22 How and by whom is an inventory improvement plan compiled? National Inventory Systems By NERI and is base on a project evaluating the improvements necessary in order to fulfil the obligations according to the Kyoto-protocol Which institutions are responsible for acquiring additional resources related to the establishment of the national inventory system? NERI - the same institute responsible for the emission inventory preparation How is the QA/QC system integrated into the national inventory system?
23 Uncertainty analysis for Agricultural activity MonteCarlo
24 Quality manual and management system Will be made explicitly for every sector during 2004 and 2005