GRAVITATIONAL ACCELERATION Measurement and results from Austria
GRAVITATIONAL ACCELERATION Gravity of Earth g depends on the geometrical shape of the Earth the distribution of masses the geographical latitude the altitude relative to sea level the air resistance (which usually is ignored)
GRAVITATIONAL ACCELERATION Values for Graz: the geographical latitude: latitude: 47,070714° the altitude relative to sea level: 353 m Value of g: g = m/s² z_Kompetenzen.pdf
THE RESULTS These are the best results we figured out, it`s pretty close to the real number of 9,8070 m/s². Number of measurement: length of the pendulum l [m]1,33 1,415 1,341,03 Number of oszillations N t time for N oszillations [s]115,7231,39462,79238,5595,53238,69238,6238,8446,42540,74 Time of 1 period T [s]; T = t/N2,3142,31392,3142,38552,38832,38692,3862,38842,32132,037 acceleration due to gravity g = 4 π^2 l / T^2 [m/s^2]9,80589,80679,80639,81659,79399,80509,81249,79279,81799,7997