Widening of the War outside of Europe Ottoman Empire joins Central Powers. Gallipoli Campaign Allies try supply Russians (Gallipoli Peninsula)- failed Battles in Africa & Asia Germany's Colonial possessions Looses holdings in Africa & China Many colonial subjects joined the fight-hope for independence With the stalemate in Europe many powers began to turn to outside forces and other alliances to fight in new war fronts Those to get involved will later be India( supplied man power to Britain). Australia, and Japan on the allied side and Turks and Bulgaria on the Central powers side. The Gallipoli Campaign-One of the next key strategies in the war for the Allies to gain the upper hand was to attack the region of Dardanelles which was a part o the Ottoman empire. This was a narrow water straight that gave way to the Ottoman Capital. By taking this the goal was to take Constantinople and create a supply line to the Russian because theirs had been cute off by the Germans through the Baltic sea. In the end the campaign failed because both sides dug into trenches which caused the battle to last a year and finally the Allied forces gave up. Many imperial colonies became involved in the fighting as well. For example Germany lost many of its holdings in Africa to the French and the British. They also lost their holdings in china to the Japanese. Some colonies believed if they got involved then they would be able to acquire their independence.
Entry of the United States US tries to remain neutral Germans blockades Britain Germany warns they will sink ships in blockaded waters (Unrestricted submarine warfare.) Sink British passenger ship “Lusitania” Sink 3 US ships Zimmerman note- Germany asks Mexico to ally against US August 2, 1917 US enters WWI-Boosts Allied powers spirits We tried to remain neutral and did so for several years. Our involvement grew out of the naval war between Germany and Britain. Britain had used its superior naval power to set up a blockade of Germany. Germany had restricted trade into Britain and enforced with submarines. This a problem for the Us because Britain was one of our trade partners. Germany warned that they would sink any ships in Blockaded waters. German forces sank the Lusitania which had Americans on board. German government suspended unrestricted submarine warfare at the request of the US. January 1917 eager to break the deadlock in the war naval officers convinced William II to resume unrestricted sub warfare. To top things off the German government sent the Zimmerman note to Mexico (explain). They told Mexico that they would help them reclaim their lost territory in the US Texas and Arizona. The entry of the US into the war gave the Allied Powers a psychological boost and a major new source of money and war goods.
The Zimmerman Telegram
The Impact of Total War Women WWI became a Total War complete use of resources & people for wining. Wartime governments expanded their economic power. set up price, wage, and rent control. Rationing Propaganda-one sided information to keep up moral for war. Women Replaced men in factories Tanks, munition, paved streets, farmed, and ran hospitals Changes view of what women could do WWI became a Total War complete use of resources & people for wining. Increased Government Powers Little thought had been given to long term wartime needs. Governments had to respond quickly when the new war machines failed to achieve their goals. Wartime governments throughout Europe also expanded their power over their economies. Government set up price, wage, and rent control. Rationed food supplies, in order to mobilize all the resources of their nations for the war effort( butter, shoes leather , rubber). Everyone was put to work and in Europe unemployment disappeared. European nations set up Planned Economies-Systems directed by government agencies. In the view of political leaders, all citizens were part of a national army dedicated to victory. Government propaganda—ideas spread to influence public opinion—had stirred national hatreds before the war. Most people seemed genuinely convinced that their nations cause was just. Almost every one believed that the war would be over in a few weeks. Created new roles for women. Women were asked to take over jobs that had not been available to them before. The place of women in the workforce was far from secure. Most assumed the jobs were temporary. At the end of the war, governments would quickly remove women from the jobs they had encouraged them to take earlier. Wages for the women who were still employed would be lowered. Nevertheless in some countries the role women played in wartime economies had a positive impact on the women’s movements for social and political emancipation.
Allies win the War 1917 – Czar Nicholas steps down-Ends Romanov Dynasty Russian Revolution New communist gov. -Vladimir Ilyich Lenin signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany 1918. All Germany’s forces move to Western Front 2nd Battle of Marne- central powers defeated Nov 9, 1918 Armistice is signed WWI ends Nov. 11th 1917 not a good one for allies- western front badly defeated, Russians out of the war. Positive side was the US into the war. Russia was suffering for the losses of life and the fact that the war had financially broken the country and people were starving. Withdrawal of Russia offered new hope to Germany to win because they no longer had to divided their man power between two fronts. One final military gamble a grand offensive in the west to break the military stalemate in the West. Launched a fast paced march through Europe towards France. March 1918. stopped at the second battle of the Marne. Followed by the second battle of the Somme. By this time the Us troops had become involved in the fighting and were the extra muscle the exhausted Europeans needed. Luckily the Germans tired and exhausted supplies on their march. German officials soon found that the allies were unwilling to make peace with the autocratic imperial government of Germany. William II abdicated and left the country. The new leaders announced the creation of a democratic Republic. Nov. 11 the new German government signed and armistice
Peace and Legacy Peace 14 points plan (Woodrow Wilson) Self-determination-people to have their own nation & gov. General association of nations Versailles treaty July 28, 1919 Germany stripped of military power Loose territory (mandate system) Article 231 Germany blamed for WWI “War Guilt-” pays reparations to allies League of nations-keep peace among nations Legacy Opened war up on a global scale European generation lost European treasuries and land destroyed Us seen as dominant power-would fail to stay out of world affairs Revolutionary forces set in motion in Germany not done yet. Formed the German Communist Party. They tried a revolution but it did not work. Meanwhile AH had split into two countries. January Wilson’s proposal- made before the war was over but rejected by the congress of Vienna His plans were based in idealistic reasons. Outlined 14 points as basis for a peace settlement that he believed justified the enormous military struggle being waged. Portrayed war as a peoples war against absolutism and militarism, he became the spokesperson for a new world order based on democracy and international cooperation. End secret treaties, free trade, Freedom of seas, reduce national arms & navies, adjust colonial claims, changing borders & creating nations, and self determination. The Paris Peace Conference Big Four: Woodrow Wilson (US), George Clemenceau (FR), David Loyde George (GB), Vittro Orlando (IT) Russia, Germany and allies were not represented National interests complicated deliberations’. David Lloyd George of Britain wanted to make the Germans pay for the war. Georges Clemenceau desired revenge and security against future German attacks. Wanted reparations and the Rhineland to be a buffer state. “big three controlled the decisions.” Compromise became the world of the conference. League of Nations came out of the treaty but US never becomes a member. Treaty of Versailles Final peace settlement consisted of five separate treaties with the defeated nations. Treaty of Versailles with Germany was most important. Treaty declared Germany was responsible for war. Had to pay reparations, reduce army to 100,000 no subs. Legacies of the War All agreements and war redrew the map of Europe. German and Russian empires lost much territory. AH disappeared, new nations emerged: Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Hungary. Serbia formed nucleus of Yugoslavia. Principle of self-determination supposedly guided the Paris Peace Conference. Almost every eastern European state was left with ethnic minorities. Ottoman Empire was broken up by the peace settlement. France took control of Lebanon and Syria and Britain received Iraq and Palestine. These were called mandates. Mandate system which according to this system a nation officially governed another nation as a mandate on behalf of the League of Nations but did not own the territory. Turmoil created by the war also seemed to open the door to even greater insecurity. Revolutions broke up old empires and created new states. The hope that Europe and the rest of the world would return to normalcy was soon dashed.
Europe before and after
23-1 Review The German military plan devised by General von Schlieffen called for war on what? Two fronts Ally of Austria-Hungary Germany The Triple Alliance was a loose agreement of cooperation among what 3 countries? Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Military draft conscription
23-1 Review Germany viewed the Russian czar’s full mobilization of the army as what? An act of war Protector of Serbia Russia Austria-Hungary feared Serbia would create what? Large Slavic state The growth of nationalism, militarism, and internal dissent are all considered major what of WWI? Causes
23-1 Review Readying troops and supplies for war Mobilization Aggressive preparation for war Militarism The spark that started WWI? Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife
23-2 Review Ideas spread to influence public opinion Propaganda Across Europe, wartime governments setup what kind of economies? Planned Hugh German airship Zeppelin During the war, new roles in the workforce were created for women because? Men were in the military effort
23-2 Review Warfare based on protected lines of ditches Trench warfare Spotting enemy positions, attacking ground targets, and shooting down enemy aircraft were all involved in what kind of WWI warfare? Air Warfare based on wearing down opponents War of attrition
23-2 Review To maintain high morale and support for the war among their citizens, the democratic states used what? Propaganda Complete mobilization of resources and people Total war The U.S. entered the war largely over the issue of what? Unrestricted submarine warfare
23-4 Review President Wilson argued at the Paris Peace conference most strongly for what? A League of Nations After German emperor William II fled the country in 1918, Germany formed a what? Democratic republic French premier in 1919 Clemenceau Truce agreement Armistice
23-4 Review The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Big Three powers as a peace settlement with who? Germany British Prime Minister in 1919 Lloyd George To gain Arab support against the Ottoman Turks during the war, the Allies had promised to recognize what? Independent Arab states Governing without owning the territory Mandate system
23-4 Review Payments to cover war costs Reparations Germany was forced to return Alsace and Lorraine to France, give up land to a new Polish state, and keep Russia out of Egypt as terms of what? Treaty of Versailles