2 nd Annual Trillium Workshop Sustainability Across the Curriculum Monday, May 9 th, Duke Campus Farm & Carolina Friends School 2 nd Annual Trillium Workshop Sustainability Across the Curriculum Monday, May 9 th, Duke Campus Farm & Carolina Friends School 9:00 Welcome & Introductions [Charlotte Clark] 9:30 What is Sustainability? [Chantal Reid] 1:00 Field exercise: Couch Farm [Norm Christensen, Professor of Ecology and Founding Dean of the Nicholas School] 2:15 Sustainable Food & Duke Farm [Norman Wirzba & Emily Sloss] 2:45 What are other colleges & universities doing? [Erica Kociolek] 10:45 Identifying learning outcomes [Hugh Crumley] 3:45 Developing/revising a course [Jennifer Ahern-Dodson & Amy Campbell] 5:00 Adjourn. Dinner at Charlotte’s house at 6. 12:00 Lunch [Food Fairy-Vegetarian and local, vegan options 3:30 Break 10:30 Break 8:30 Coffee/Tea, Carolina Friends School gymnasium
2 nd Annual Trillium Workshop Sustainability Across the Curriculum Monday, May 9 th, Duke Campus Farm & Carolina Friends School 2 nd Annual Trillium Workshop Sustainability Across the Curriculum Monday, May 9 th, Duke Campus Farm & Carolina Friends School We begin at Carolina Friends School (CFS) located at 4809 Friends School Road, Durham, NC. From Science Drive, take a right onto 751/Academy Dr. Travel 1.5 miles, going under Hwy At the roundabout take the 2 nd right onto Old Erwin Road. Travel 1.8 miles, going through 1 light. Take a right onto Mt. Sinai Road, which is the 2 nd light. Travel about 2 miles, and take a right on Friends School Rd. Drive 0.7 miles and CFS will be on your left. Come in the mail entrance and stay right (one-way traffic). As you drive through the parking lot, you will see the gym on your left. Park anywhere you see a spot. Charlotte’s cell phone is (919) What to bring with you and what to wear. Directions to Charlotte’s house: 6:00 pm or whenever you can get there! Directions to the Duke Campus Farm Directions to Carolina Friends School Note: you should not need these directions unless for some reason you are joining the group after lunch. This is located directly across from CFS and all morning participants will simply carpool across the street and into the woods! Follow the same directions as above, but instead of turning left into CFS drive another hundred feet and turn right into the Duke Campus Farm. Directions from the farm: Charlotte Clark’s house is at 2500 Auburn St., Durham, NC. From the farm reverse the directions above. Take a right out of the CFS driveway and travel to the dead end. Take a left on Mt. Sinai, and travel 2 miles to the dead end. Take a left on Old Erwin and travel about 2 miles to the dead end. Take the first right off the roundabout onto 751/Academy. Go under the highway, and through 3 traffic lights (the last one you drive through is Duke University Rd). Take your next left onto Cranford Rd. Take your 2 nd right onto Auburn St. At this point, the road deadends and becomes our narrow asphalt driveway. As you drive, you will pass one other house (2502). Keep going! It is long and windy, but have faith. We are the only house at the dead end, and we have plenty of parking and places to turn around. Charlotte’s cell phone is (919) Come VERY comfortably dressed – blue jeans or shorts, comfortable walking shoes, perhaps a sweater or rain jacket (I’ll closer to time about rain). If you have a favorite mug or water bottle please bring it with you. For those of you who are local (not our Charles County Schools participants!), please bring one of those “soccer” or “festival” folding canvas chairs if it is easy. That way, we can have seating for our time out on the farm if it is a beautiful day! Note that the hike for our field experience is very short and flat, but comfortable shoes are a plus.