What means “climate change”? Climate changes are changes in the climate of the earth. The earth had suffered it many but especially this global change is producing very quickly and this is called global warming.
Greenhouse The carbon dioxide that is emitted stays in the atmosphere and this cause the increase of the temperature because the energy that is emitted by the sun can enter in the planet but it cannot go out of the earth because this solar energy is retained by carbon dioxide.
Fossil fuels or renewable energies? We have the necessary means to fight against this global warming and replace the fossil fuels with renewable energies. This new energies are more clean than the no- renewable energies and they are able to regenerate by natural means.
Technology applicated in global warming The technology development has made possibly to obtain from organic remains way bio fuels such as biodiesel, bio ethanol, biomass and biogas that they reduce the total volume of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, to make the most of the energy of wind, water and sun and to find new energies like geothermal energy and tidal power.
Things that we can do We can do a lot of things to protect the environment: -Going by bus or on foot to our work or school. -Recycling papers, plastic, glass and cardboard. -Not wasting electricity, water and paper…
Consequence -Droughts in regions of agriculture. -Drop of the temperatures on different areas or scorching hot in others. -As well as civil disturbances and massive migrations cause the high insecurity of the supplying of water and food. -And furthermore the sea will rise 1 metre on this century and regions and cities like Venice, Holland and the State of Florida would be flood below the sea.
Conclusion So I think that we have to change our mind by another one more environmentally- friendly.