1 Business Exchange Structures Concepts.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Business Exchange Structures Concepts

Exchange Business Concepts Structures Statistical Program Statistical Support Program Administrative Register Questionnaire Statistical Need Exchange Channel Exchange Business Process Process Step Web Scraper Channel Product Business Concepts Data Set Data Structure Variable Population Information Resource Concept Structures Referential Metadata Set Referential Metadata Structure Unit Statistical Classification

CONCEPTS EXCHANGE BUSINESS STRUCTURES Population Concept Data Resource Process Step Data Set groups Statistical Classification Variable Data Structure has Process Output Specification Process Input Specification is structured by is type of measures may include Statistical Program Business Process Statistical Program Cycle Process Design Provision Agreement Information Provider Protocol Exchange Channel includes produces governs use of agrees to specifies agreed Is based on specifies

Input Out put GSBPM - Any GSIM Information - Transformed (or new) Object(s) Sub - process GSIM Information (e.g. Data Set, Variable ) Object(s) - Process p arame ter s - Process metrics

Input Output Statistical Business Process Process (GSBPM Phase 5) Concepts Objects Structures Objects Output Process Pattern Business Process Statistical Business Process Statistical Need Assessment Statistical Program Validation check: “1000 errors” Variable Data Set, Data Structure Process Input (e.g. Parameter) Process Output (e.g. Metric) Business Service, Process Step, Edit Rules Data Set, Data Structure Review, Validate and Edit (GSBPM 5.3) Concepts Objects Process Step , Process Control,

Decision point based on count n Process Input Concepts Structures Process Output Identify potential errors and gaps This Process Step produces a process metric, “n”, the count of potential errors & gaps identified Decision point based on count n Process Step from Business Group Process Control Structures information objects Concepts information objects Impute – GSBPM 5.4 n > 0 Determine appropriate treatment and apply to potential errors and gaps. n = 0 The Process Input from Business Group records which information objects from the Concepts and Structures Groups are input to the Process Step The Process Output from Business Group records which information objects from the Concepts and Structures Groups are outputs from the Process Step