DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS New Urban Economies Fostering Economic Development through Dublin’s Smart City initiative Jamie Cudden Smart City Co-ordinator Chief Executive’s Office Dublin City Council May 2015
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS New Urban Economies ABOUT DUBLIN Administration Dublin Region = Dublin City, South-Dublin County, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County and Fingal County. 1.27m people or 28% of the national population (population of Ireland is 4.58 million (CSO, 2011). Dublin City Council is largest Local Authority in Ireland, employing approximately 5,000 staff Responsible for the social, economic, infrastructural and cultural development of the city. Services include social Housing & Building, Road Transportation & Safety, Planning, Development Incentives & Controls, Environmental Protection and Culture Recreation & Amenity.
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS New Urban Economies Recession and austerity Six years of austerity budgets (2008 – 2014) In 2008 output fell for the first time since Subsequent collapse in GDP (-12%) and over 100,000 jobs lost. Unemployment increased from 4% to 15% Property Bubble: House prices increased by over 400% in the late 1990’s up to Decline of over 50% Banking Bailout / EU / IMF rescue programme with a multi Year Austerity programmes Change in national government (2011) * source: frontline ventures, 2013
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS New Urban Economies Objective of the ‘Smart Dublin’ Initiative “To improve the liveability and attractiveness of Dublin as a city to live in, work in and visit by using technology in partnership with other agencies and citizens to address city challenges, to drive innovation and to improve service delivery”
Applying technological innovation Exploiting the potential of big data and open data Using ICT to drive efficiencies and sustainable development Working in collaboration with businesses and academia Improving citizen engagement ‘Smart Dublin ’ Key Elements
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS New Urban Economies ‘Smart Dublin ’ Priority Challenge Areas Urban transport Extreme weather events and flooding The Environment Energy efficiency/public lighting
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS New Urban Economies 1.Urban Transport
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS New Urban Economies 2.Extreme Weather Events & Flooding Key Issues: Tidal Flooding: 6/10 of the highest tides on record in Dublin have occurred in River and Pluvial Flooding
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS New Urban Economies 3.The Environment Air Quality Noise Real time monitoring to facilitate improved responses Prioritisation of interventions Modification of behaviours Proactive citizen engagement Waste/Litter
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS 4.Energy Efficiency/Public Lighting Key Facts: 45,500 street lights in DCC area. Each public light burns approximately 4,100 hours per annum. Public lighting consumes approximately 22m units of electricity per annum at a cost of €3.9m to DCC. 1.1% LED, balance are: SOX, SON, & Metal Halide. Objectives: Reduce cost Cut carbon emissions Potential for intelligent PL central management system. Quantum improvement in quality of public lighting. Move from a passive/functional public lighting service to a proactive service that responds to changes in the environment and in human behaviour. Public lighting with network capability to give city wide networked platform. Reduce Cost and Cut Carbon
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS New Urban Economies Existing DCC Engagement/Collaboration Success will be built on collaboration Tapping into an amazing ecosystem Opening up the opportunities to co-innovate and partner
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS Supporting Local Innovation / Hackathons
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS Dublin Open Data Platform Over 300 datasets Dynamic Real time Data Sets Dublin Bus data Traffic flow data Car parking Dublinbikes Environmental sensors 3 years in operation Innovation Network
Current Projects Unexpected Capital for the Internet #Dublin leapfrogging the competition in race to be top #smartcity (October 2015)
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS IBM Collaboration Transportation “Working with IBM research has allowed us to take a fresh look at our transport strategy. Thanks to the continuing work of the IBM team, we can see how our transport network is working as a whole – and develop innovative ways to improve it for Dublin’s citizens” – Brendan O Brien – Head of technical services – Roads and Traffic Department. Dublin city adopts smart approach on road to economic recovery (June 2013)
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS New Urban Economies ‘Smart Dublin ’: Key Actions Centralised SMART Dublin Co-ordination Function Focus on City Priority Areas/Challenges City Leading the engagement / not a vendor driven agenda Investment in DUBLINKED open data platform New Approaches to Procurement: - Invitation to Co-innovate - Invitation for Demonstrator Projects - Procurement by Challenge Approach - Small Business Innovation Research
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS DCC will provide: Access to expertise Modest Funding Access to City Infrastructure Other benefits in kind Business/Academic Institution will: Submit research/innovation proposal Fund research & product development Retain IP Ensure usable/supported outcome for DCC ‘Smart Dublin ’: New Procurement Initiatives Invitation to co-innovate
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS DCC will provide: Access to City infrastructure Assistance with installation Assistance with evaluation Other benefits in kind Business will: Submit proposal Provide prototype Carry out evaluation ‘Smart Dublin ’: New Procurement Initiatives Invitation for Demonstrator Projects
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS Small Business Innovation Research
DEEP DIVE WORKSHOPS New Urban Economies Fostering Economic Development through Dublin’s Smart City initiative