What Is The Biblical Age Of The Earth?


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Presentation transcript:

What Is The Biblical Age Of The Earth? Is there a “gap” between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2?

Before The Creation Week? Called Gap Theory (gap between Gen 1:1 & 1:2) Harry Rimmer, Scoffield Bible, Robert Milligan (The Scheme Of Redemption), Arthur Custance (Without Form & Void) Proof texts: Ez.28:12-17; Isa.14:12-14; 45:18; Jer.4:23-26 Claim "was" should be translated "became" in Gen 1:2 No known translation says "became."

Was Or Became? Poll of 20 Hebrew scholars regarding "gap;" "NO." (Modern Science And Christian Faith, p.49, Van Kampen Press (1950)) Hebrew scholar W. C. Watts: "In Genesis 1:2a the verb is perfect. It indicates a fixed and completed state. In other words, original matter was in a state of chaos when created: it came into being that way." (A Survey Of Old Testament Preaching p. 16) (A Commentary On Genesis) Harold Stigers: "The cataclysmic theory (also called the restitution theory) respecting v. 2 can have no place in a proper translation. The construction of ‘became void,’ etc., is not justified by Hebrew syntax. When the verb ‘to be’ (hayah) is to be constructed as ‘became,’ the addition of the prepositional lamedh is required with the following word to provide this meaning, and this preposition is absent here." p. 49.

Was Or Became? Translation Number of Times Became 85 Become 230 Been 98 Came 526 Come 141 Happen 13 Happened 59 Has 19 Have 97 Remain 9 Remained 6 True - Hebrew word in Genesis 1:2, hayah, usually translated "was," is also translated elsewhere as "became" or "had become." Word is extremely common, Over 1,000 times in Genesis alone, given over 100 different translations in NASB version. Many Hebrew words have multiple meanings. Therefore, proper translation must be determined from the context in which the word is found. Some of the more common translations of hayah from the book of Genesis:

Was Or Became? Genesis 1:2 could actually be translated "And the earth remained formless and void..." This would make more sense, since the context indicates that God had just begun moving above the waters of the earth to change it for habitation. The word hayah is used 18 times in the first 20 verses of Genesis 1 and it would not make sense to translate it "had become" in any of the other 17 verses

Before The Creation Week? Called Gap Theory (gap between Gen 1:1 & 1:2) Obvious answer in Ex. 20:11. Heavens and earth in six days. Based on false distinction between "created" (BARA) & "made" (ASAH). If "made" (Ex.20:11 “For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it”) is different from "created" (Gen.1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”) then we avoid necessity of complete "creation" in 6 days.

Bara (created) & Asah (made) S A M E I D E A "Asha" "Bara" Labor, to work about anything ... To cut, to carve out, to form by cutting ... to make ... to create .. to create, as haven, earth of heaven and earth Gesenius p. 657 Gesenius p. 138 N O D I F F E R E N C E "BARA" great sea creatures, Gen.1:21 "BARA" animals, creeping things, birds, Gen.6:7 "ASAH" the beast, Gen.1:25 "ASAH" them, Gen.6:7 "ASAH" man, Gen.1:26 "BARA" everyone, "ASAH" them, Isa.43:7 "BARA" man, Gen.1:27 "BARA" and "ASAH"...all His work, Gen.2:3 "BARA" man, ASAH" him, Gen.5:1 "BARA" heavens and the earth, Gen.2:4 "BARA"...male and female, Gen.5:2 "ASAH" earth and heaven, Gen.2:4

Bara (created) & Asah (made) Since words are not contrasting but interchangeable: Ex.20:11 refers to creation of Gen.1:1. Creation of heavens and earth was done in six days. Before the six days there were no heavens or earth. David certainly seems to agree Ps.33:6 “By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth”, 9 “For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” Cf. Ps 48:3, 5 “3 God is in her palaces; He is known as her refuge. 5 They saw it, and so they marveled; They were troubled, they hastened away.”.

Further Scriptural Refutation Of The Gap Theory? I Corinthians 15:45, 47 Excludes pre-Adamic race I Corinthians15:21-22 No death before Adam Romans 5:12 In 6 Days: Heaven & Earth Created; "He spoke"; 1st man Scripture Excludes Eons Before

Final Thoughts Bible leaves no room for speculation and addition. God often warned not to add anything to His words Deut 4:2, Deut 12:32, Rev 22:18-19 Bible recounts that it took God 6 days to CREATE the earth and its inhabitants. Not because of His limitations, but because it was his plan to do so. Denying the biblically recorded account, discounts God’s power and plan as he spoke the world into existence.

Conclusion In his book, Creation or Evolution?, D.D. Riegle observed: “It is amazing that men will accept long, complicated, imaginative theories and reject the truth given to Moses by the Creator Himself ” (1962, p. 24).