Creation and Evolution: Navigating a Modern Dilemma Keith Campbell, Ph.D.
Review/Preview Scripture Tradition Reason Experience - “Why Does God Let Bad things Happen?” - “Removing Western Glasses: Reading Scripture with Global Eyes” - Today: “Creation and Evolution: Navigating a Modern Dilemma” - April 19: “The New Atheists” Experience For full schedule of Dinner Lectures and for PPT’s visit
Introduction: Why Does it Matter? Biblical Accuracy/Nature of the Bible. Bible in conflict with science? Must I reject science to be a Christian? Important for the doctrine of salvation Should creationism be included in school curriculums (U.S.A.)?
Introduction: Why Does it Matter? Christian testimony (Example: Copernicus) A divided Church Strict atheistic evolution = Moral Relativism Example: Killing and raping 5 year old little girls
Introduction: Central Issues in the Debate Core beliefs (philosophical presuppositions) Is the supernatural even a possibility? God’s existence Defining science and theology as mutually exclusive Genre of Genesis 1–3 Myth/legend? True and Literal? True but Figurative/Poetic?
Introduction: Central Issues in the Debate Days in Genesis: Literal? Origin of animal species Humans: origin, Adam/Eve, sin, death Geological record: fossils, flood
Introduction: Central Issues in the Debate Scientific Evidence Is Darwinian Evolution conclusive? Micro vs. Macro evolution? Age of the earth/universe? Is it an either/or choice: Creation or evolution? In essence, can/should Scripture and science be harmonized?
Introduction Four General Positions Evolutionary naturalism No God. Universe and humans are here by chance The debate is silly and unscientific Young Earth Creationism (Genesis completely literal) Old Earth Creationism (Genesis essentially literal) Theistic Evolution (Genesis essentially non-literal)
Introduction Tonight’s Plan Summarize and critique 3 of these 4 positions (omitting Evolutionary Naturalism): (1) Young Earth Creation (2) Old Earth Creationism (3) Theistic Evolution In essence, how do those who accept the Genesis account harmonize it with the findings of modern science? Conclusion Summary My personal conclusions Discussion along the way
Introduction Some Caveats Sincere Bible believers hold all three positions Some theologies necessary for orthodoxy. Is this one of them? Not my specific field Area of interest but not expertise Hence our title: “Navigating a Modern Dilemma” instead of “Solving a Modern Dilemma” Needed: A good dose of humility and kindness on all sides!
Young Earth Creationism
Young Earth Creationism A Summary Often called “Creationism” Reading Genesis 1–3 literally is more natural
Young Earth Creationism A Summary God created the earth in 7 literal days roughly 10,000 years ago: Derived from adding up the dates of the genealogies in Gen 5 and 11. Some believe in a very old universe while retaining young earth “Gap Theory” (long time-gap between Gen 1:1 and 1:2) Earth appears old b/c God created it in a mature state like he created Adam and Eve (“Apparent Age Theory”)
Young Earth Creationism A Summary Origin of Animal Species Evolution cannot explain origin of complex living organisms (irreducible complexity: Ex. Mousetrap) Animal species do not share a common origin of life (“After their kinds” Gen 1) Rather, God supernaturally created the different species in 7 days Species evolve within species but do not evolve into other species (microevolution) Macro-Evolution is incorrect (intermediate fossils lacking)
Young Earth Creationism A Summary Humans: A Literal Adam and Eve are parents of all humans Their sin (“the fall”) profoundly affected the universe Death (animal and human) did not enter creation until after sin (Gen 3:14)
Young Earth Creationism A Summary Geological Record (many fossils, etc.): Noah’s flood (Gen 7) was a historical, global event It produced all the fossils we have today (“Flood Geology Theory”) And gives appearance of a long fossilization process
YEC: A Critique (And Intro to Old Earth Creationism) Is a Literal Reading of Gen 1–3 Most Natural? Genre and purpose of Gen 1–3? Is it historical narrative? Poetry? Scientific monograph? Is its purpose to answer process-oriented questions of modern science?
YEC: A Critique (And Intro to Old Earth Creationism) Is a Literal Reading of Gen 1–3 Most Natural? Are the “days” in Gen 1 literal 24 hour days? “Morning and evening” created before the sun Literal days, but a literary framework for God’s creative activity (chart): Biblical genealogies can have gaps (Matt 1:1–16); they are often thematic.
YEC: A Critique (And Intro to Old Earth Creationism) The Geological Record World wide flood? Evidence of a worldwide flood is lacking; evidence of a local flood is quite strong Did kangaroos and platypuses from Australia come to the Ark? Fails to consider global language in other parts of Scripture that have limited references: Gen 41:57; Deut 2:25; 1 Kings 18:10; 2 Chron 9:23; Acts 2:5; Col 1:23 (global from the perspectives of these writers) More sediment layers than one flood can explain
YEC: A Critique (And Intro to Old Earth Creationism) The Geological Record World wide flood? More fossils than one flood can explain If all of those animals were alive at the same time, they would have to be several feet deep when alive Uncrushed fossils suggests that the sediment containing them was solidified into rock before very thick layers were added Some layered deposits give every evidence of being annual layers.
YEC: A Critique (And Intro to Old Earth Creationism) The Geological Record Fossils: Many Fossils found all over the world in many different types of sedimentary rock indicate formation in very different geological conditions than a flood. Some claim discoveries of intermediary fossils (Carroll, Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution; Kemp, Mammal-like Reptile and the Origin of Mammals)
YEC: A Critique (And Intro to Old Earth Creationism) The Geological Record “Apparent Age Theory” seems too speculative; evidence for an old earth is nearly overwhelming: Radiometric clocks, development of coral reefs, continental drift, thousands of feet of widely varying sediment, how stars age, light travelling to earth, size of the universe relative to its expanding Perhaps understandable why God would create functional things with the appearance of age (for the purposes of Adam and Eve’s survival: trees with rings already in them), but why create non-functional things this way (starlight en route to earth)?
YEC: A Critique (And Intro to Old Earth Creationism) Humans, Sin, and Death Necessary biological activity (bacteria in our stomachs) requires death for life to exist Suggesting that animals could not have died before Adam and Eve sinned is biblical over interpretation Nothing is said in Gen about when animal death occurs Romans 5:12 teaches that human death occurs through sin, not animal death God’s warning, “when you eat of it you will surely die” (Gen 2:17), would have little or no meaning if Adam had never observed death of any plant or animal
Old Earth (Progressive) Creationism
Old Earth Creationism: Summary The evidence discussed in “Critique of YEC” above and content of Gen 1–3 requires a less literal reading of Gen 1–3 “Morning and evening” before the sun is created
Old Earth Creationism: Summary Various theories in understanding the “days” in Genesis: Long periods of time (“Day Age Theory”) Literal days separated by long periods (“Intermittent Day Theory”) Literary device rather than an actual chronological sequence (“Framework hypothesis”). Days may or may not be long periods of time. Arrangement of days may be topical rather than chronological (recall earlier chart)
Old Earth Creationism: Summary Origin of Animal Species (similar to Young Earth Creationists but with more variety): Evolution cannot explain origin of complex living organisms (irreducible complexity) Animal species do not share a common origin of life Rather, God supernaturally created the different species in 7 days Species evolve within species but do not evolve into other species (microevolution)
Old Earth Creationism: Summary Origin of Animal Species cont… Some allow more room for trans-species evolution But, God supernaturally created Adam and Eve (a teaching continued throughout rest of Bible)
Old Earth Creationism: Summary Humans (similar to Young Earth Creationists) A literal Adam and Eve are parents of all humans Their sin profoundly affected the universe Death existed prior to Adam’s and Eve’s sin
Old Earth Creationism: Summary Geological Record Extent of Noah’s flood viewed variously The flood did not produce all fossils Fossils occurred over a long period of time
Old Earth Creationism: Summary God used some means of a combination of supernatural intervention and providential guidance to construct the universe over a long period of time (perhaps over billions of years)
Old Earth Creationism: Critiques Doesn’t take the Bible at face-value How do you determine what is literal and figurative in Genesis?
Old Earth Creationism: Critiques Anachronistic/unnatural reading of the Bible? Did the Genesis author not really think in literal 6 days? Literary framework anachronistic “Day” almost always used in the Bible to mean 24 hours (minus 2 places) Genesis 1–3 in Hebrew doesn’t read like poetry
Theistic Evolution
Theistic Evolution: Summary God created the universe and fully gifts it for self-organization and transformation Gen 1–3 constitutes but one (albeit the most important) source for creation knowledge Other sources include: Science, archaeology, etc.
Theistic Evolution: Summary Gen 1–3 should be read literally but poetically Interpreting Gen. 1–3 literally exaggerates the proper use of biblical texts (2 Tim 3:16–17). Primary function: Train in righteousness Secondary function: Satisfy intellectual curiosity
Theistic Evolution: Summary Origins of animal and human species and physical objects All share a common biological cause and ancestry Randomness does not rule out divine purpose Example: Casinos depend on the random events (roll of a die) to accomplish an intended larger purpose (a profit) Geological record is as evolutionary science suggests because Gen 1–3 is not literal
Theistic Evolution Critique Bible Events in Gen 1–3 viewed as fictitious history. Too blithely glosses over the biblical account Minimizes the role of the miraculous in understanding the biblical text Forbids the Bible to speak on scientific matters Insinuates that the Bible only answers the “who” and “why” questions but not “how” Rest of the Bible assumes a literal Adam and Eve (Jesus as the second Adam).
Theistic Evolution Critique Creation is reduced to a “functional deism” Deism: God “winds up” the universe and lets it “unwind” on its own. Looks like this: Fails to consider the weaknesses inherent within the theory of evolution See earlier slide
Conclusion/Summary Young Earth Creationism (completely literal view) Old Earth Creationism (essentially literal view) Theistic Evolution (essentially non-literal view)
Conclusion Agreement among Christians: Science and the bible can be harmonized Disagreement: What this harmonization looks like
*************************** My Conclusions/Affirmations/Opinions/Suggestions/2 Cents Worth/Unsolicited Comments!!! Intellectual humility needed Limited methodological naturalism is a must (leaves ample room for supernatural) If certain beliefs are true about God and the Bible, then true science and true Bible should never contradict We need to give both nature and scripture a fair hearing Authorial intent of Genesis is paramount (but difficult to know) The believer’s question is not “What can God do?” but “What did God do?” *************************** I land somewhere on the continuum closest to Old Earth Creationism, but I’m open to change!
For Further Study Three Views of Creation and Evolution (This lecture depends heavily on this resource) For many online resources see the small link at the bottom of: