Haiku and Acrostic Poems
Haiku Poems
Creating a Haiku Five Syllables Seven Syllables Five Syllables
Examples: Sudden spring storm- a family of ducks paddles around the deserted lake. Haiku’s can be a used to present a riddle: In a pouch I grow, On a southern continent – Strange creatures I know. (Kangaroo)
Acrostic Poems
Creating an Acrostic Poem First letters aligned vertically form a word The word is often the subject of the poem
Examples: Elegantly and efficiently shaped Good to eat Great fun to find at Easter Smooth shelled Shines brightly Up in the sky Nice and warm on my skin
Challenge: CCreate a Haiku poem TTry to describe something about nature or weather CCreate a Acrostic poem TTry using your name or an animal As always have fun creating something original!
References: Haiku. Lansky, Bruce. How to Write a “Haiku” Poem. Giggle Poetry. Poetry for Kids. THE END