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Jeopardy Key TermsSubjectPredicate Focus on Compound Subject Focus on Complete Verb 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points Final Jeopardy
1 point Question from C1 The complete predicate consists of only the verb. True or False?
1 point Answer from C1 False
2 point Question from C1 What is a simple predicate?
2 point Answer from C1 It is the main word group that tells whom or what a sentence is about.
3 point Question from C1 Is there a line dividing the predicate and subject in an interrogative sentence? Why or why not?
3 point Answer from C1 No, because the subject interrupts the word phrase.
4 point Question from C1 Name the two types of sentences that don’t have a line dividing subject and predicate.
4 point Answer from C1 An interrogative sentence and an inverted word order sentence.
5 point Question from C1 What is the definition of a sentence?
5 point Answer from C1 A sentence is a word group that has a subject and a verb that expresses a complete thought.
1 point Question from C2 What is the definition of a subject?
1 point Answer from C2 A subject tells who or what the sentence is about.
2 point Question from C2 What is the complete subject of this sentence: The chess committee is holding a tournament this Friday.
2 point Answer from C2 The chess committee
3 point Question from C2 What is the simple subject of this sentence: Did you study for the test which is on Friday?
3 point Answer from C2 You
4 point Question from C2 What is the complete subject of this sentence: In school today, my friends and I started a project.
4 point Answer from C2 My friends and I
5 point Question from C2 What is the simple subject of this sentence: Our teacher, Mrs. John, is a fabulous teacher.
5 point Answer from C2 Teacher
1 point Question from C3 What is the definition of a predicate?
1 point Answer from C3 The predicate is the verb and all the words that go with it.
2 point Question from C3 What is the complete predicate of this sentence: A flower blooms while the sun shines brightly.
2 point Answer from C3 blooms while the sun shines brightly.
3 point Question from C3 What is the simple predicate of this sentence: Have you learned that the slope-intercept form can be used to make graphs?
3 point Answer from C3 have learned
4 point question from C3 What is the simple predicate of this sentence: On Valentines Day, I had received a card from all of my classmates.
4 point Answer from C3 had received
5 point Question from C3 What is the complete predicate of this sentence: The smart girl, Sally Robers, got an A on her math quiz.
5 point Answer from C3 got an A on her math quiz.
1 point Question from C4 What is a compound subject?
1 point Answer from C4 Two subjects with the same verb
2 point Question from C4 What is the compound subject of the sentence: My dog and his cat do not get along well.
2 point Answer from C4 dog, cat
3 point Question from C4 What is the compound subject of this sentence: My brother, Nancy, Phillip, and I ate at In N Out.
3 point Answer from C4 brother, Nancy, Phillip, I
4 point Question from C4 What is not a compound subject of this sentence: Nancy, Phillip, and Justin built and shared a group project.
4 point Answer from C4 built
5 point Question from C4 What is the compound subject of this sentence: Justin glued and taped his project.
5 point Answer from C4 There is no compound subject.
1 point Question from C5 What is a complete verb?
1 point Answer from C5 Two or more verbs that have the same subject.
2 point Question from C5 What is the compound verb of this sentence: I hiked up the mountain and enjoyed the scenery.
2 point Answer from C5 hiked, enjoyed
3 point Question from C5 What is the compound verb of this sentence: Both Skyler and Timmy entered the race but did not win.
3 point Answer from C5 entered, did win
4 point Question from C5 What is not the compound verb of this sentence: The Kim family ate the turkey and cleaned the dishes.
4 point Answer from C5 family
5 point Question from C5 What is the compound verb of this sentence: Both Kurt and Dick read my period’s wiki.
5 point Answer from C5 There is no compound verb.
Final Jeopardy Category Defining Parts of Speech A Please Record Your Wager Select a question to continue B
Final Jeopardy A Define each part of speech for each word in the sentence below. After studying in the library, Lucas and Luke didn't take the dog for a walk.
Final Jeopardy Answer A after-preposition studying- verb in- preposition the- article library- noun Lucas, Luke, dog-noun did take-verb for-preposition and-conjunction a- article walk-noun library-noun Lucas and Luke-complete subject after studying in the library- part of predicate didn't take the dog for a walk-other part of predicate n’t (not)-adverb
Final Jeopardy B Define each part of speech for each word in the sentence below. Joe wished that he could go to the movies with his best buddies on his birthday.
Final Jeopardy Answer B Joe-noun wished- verb that- pronoun he- pronoun could go- verb phrase to- preposition the- article movies- noun with- preposition his- adjective best- adjective buddies- noun on- preposition his- adjective birthday- noun Joe- complete subject wished that he could go to the movies with his best buddies on his birthday – complete predicate