Lesson 6: Jesus Christ’s Church has Been Restored
PURPOSE To help each child understand that the true Church of Jesus Christ has been restored.
Our Opening Prayer will be given by (Enter Name Here)
Let’s Read Revelation 14: 6-7 Attention Activity Let’s Read Revelation 14: 6-7 6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every enation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, 7 Saying with a loud voice, aFear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his bjudgment is come: and cworship dhim that made eheaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
Each of you take (1) sheet of paper and roll it up into a “trumpet.” Attention Activity The angel in this scripture is the angel Moroni, who appeared to Joseph Smith and announced that the gospel would be restored. Each of you take (1) sheet of paper and roll it up into a “trumpet.” Going one at a time, let’s see your best Angel Moroni impression, announcing that the Church has been restored.
Picture and discussion What would happen if no one could be baptized? No one could join Jesus Christ’s Church.
Picture and discussion When Jesus lived on the earth, he wanted the people to learn and obey his teachings. These teachings would help the people learn what they must do to return and live with him and Heavenly Father again.
Picture and discussion Jesus organized his Church to help the people learn to live his teachings. After Jesus and his Apostles died, the people did not live by what Jesus taught.
Picture and discussion People changed his teachings so that the true Church was lost. Jesus took his priesthood from the people on the earth.
Picture and discussion This meant that people could no longer be baptized with the proper authority.
Picture and discussion Also, without that priesthood authority, people could not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, be sealed in the temple as a family, or have a prophet to speak for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ on earth.
Picture and discussion Who is in this picture? Heavenly Father, Jesus, and Joseph Smith.
Picture and discussion What happened when Joseph Smith prayed to find out which church was true? Heavenly Father and Jesus appeared to him. Jesus told him not to join any of the churches because none of them were true.
Picture and discussion The True Church was not on the earth at that time. Jesus wanted his teachings and his Church restored to the earth.
What does the word restore mean? Object lesson What does the word restore mean? To bring something back the same as it was before.
Object lesson Does anyone know what this object is? It’s a Western Xylophone. What I like about this is the sounds that come from it and the artistry of the person playing it. Does anyone else like this Western Xylophone?
How would that make you feel? Object lesson If I was to spill something on the picture, you wouldn’t be able to see it. How would that make you feel?
Object lesson Do you wish we could wipe up the green spill so you could see the Western Xylophone again?
Let’s erase the green spill so we can see the instrument again. Object lesson Let’s erase the green spill so we can see the instrument again.
This instrument has been restored to its former place. Object lesson This instrument has been restored to its former place. Restore means to make something the same as it used to be.
Object lesson Even though Jesus had organized his Church the way he wanted, people had taken truths away after Jesus and his Apostles died.
Object lesson Jesus wanted his teachings, his Church, and his authority to baptize people restored just as he had them when he was on earth.
Discussion Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ chose a young man who was obedient and could be trusted to help them restore the true Church. Who was this young man? Joseph Smith.
Discussion Whenever the true Church is on earth, the Lord chooses a prophet to lead it.
Jesus chose Joseph Smith to become the first modern-day prophet. Discussion Jesus chose Joseph Smith to become the first modern-day prophet.
discussion What is a prophet? A Prophet is a person to whom Jesus gives instructions for his Church.
Scripture discussion Let’s Read Amos 3:7 7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, abut he brevealeth his csecret unto his servants the dprophets.
To whom does Jesus Christ give his instructions? Scripture discussion “. . . revealeth his secret” means to give his prophet instructions through visions, dreams, or other revelation. To whom does Jesus Christ give his instructions? To the living prophet.
The prophet tells the people what Jesus wants them to do. Scripture discussion The prophet tells the people what Jesus wants them to do. The prophet helps us choose the right so we can return to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus. This is the Doctrine and Covenants.
Jesus gave to Joseph Smith many of the words written in this book. Scripture discussion Jesus gave to Joseph Smith many of the words written in this book. Some of these words told Joseph about Jesus’ true Church. From these scriptures, we can learn that Jesus restored the true Church through Joseph Smith.
Joseph Smith Received the Priesthood Before Joseph Smith could help restore the Church, he had to be given special power—the right to act for Jesus • Do you know what this power is called? The priesthood.
Let’s hear the story about Joseph Smith and his friend Oliver Cowdery. Picture and story Let’s hear the story about Joseph Smith and his friend Oliver Cowdery.
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Joseph and OLIVER ARE GIVEN THE PRIESTHOOD Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were translating the Book of Mormon. They read about baptism and wanted to know more about it.
Joseph and Oliver decided to ask God. They had faith that He would help them learn the truth. On 15 May 1829, they went into the woods and prayed.
A heavenly messenger came to Joseph and Oliver. It was John the Baptist, who had baptized Jesus long ago. A bright light was all around him.
John the Baptist had come to give Joseph and Oliver the Aaronic Priesthood. The priesthood is the power of God.
The Aaronic Priesthood includes the Authority to baptize people.
John the Baptist told Joseph and Oliver to baptize each other. Joseph baptized Oliver, and then Oliver baptized Joseph. They went down under the water when they were baptized.
Long ago, John the Baptist had baptized Jesus the same way. Jesus had gone down under the water when He was baptized.
Joseph and Oliver were filled with the Holy Ghost after they were baptized. The Holy Ghost told them the true Church of Jesus Christ would soon be on the earth again.
Joseph and Oliver told their good friends they had been baptized. They also told them about the priesthood. But Joseph and Oliver did not tell other people right away.
They knew that some people would not believe them and would make trouble for them.
Later, three other heavenly messengers came. They were Peter, James, and John, who were three of Jesus’ original Apostles.
Peter, James, and John gave Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery the Melchizedek Priesthood. This is also called the “greater” priesthood.
Once the priesthood was restored, righteous men could be given authority to help do God’s work on earth. Men who have the Melchizedek Priesthood can be Church leaders.
They can give blessings to people. They can also give people the gift of the Holy Ghost. The restoration of the priesthood is a great blessing.
dISCUSSION The Melchizedek Priesthood is greater than the Aaronic Priesthood and gives men the authority to do many wonderful things in the name of Jesus Christ, such as give blessings to sick people, give father’s blessings to children, and perform temple ordinances. Priesthood power allows us to be baptized and confirmed members of the Church and be given the gift of the Holy Ghost.
dISCUSSION This power can also be used to heal those who are sick and to seal families in the temple so they can remain as families forever if they live right.
The Priesthood Is Restored Let’s listen to the words of the song “The Priesthood is Restored” Feel free to sing along if you would like
The Priesthood Is Restored The priesthood is restored, The truth made known to man, That God has spoken to the earth, His pow’r is here again. Words: Joan D. Campbell, b. 1929. © 1969 IRI Music: Hal K. Campbell, b. 1927. © 1969 IRI. Arr. © 1989 IRI
The Priesthood Is Restored I want to bear witness to you that the priesthood is on the earth again. The power to act for Jesus was restored through Joseph Smith. Joseph used this power to organize Jesus’ true Church. This priesthood has remained with the true Church ever since.
The Priesthood Is Restored What is the true Church of Jesus Christ called? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What is this name of the true Church of Jesus Christ Called? It is called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because it is Jesus’ true Church that he has restored in the latter days. Latter days means now, or the times in which we are now living.
ARTICLE OF FAITH We have the privilege of becoming members of the same Church that Jesus organized when he was on the earth. Sometimes we call the Church that Jesus organized then the “Primitive Church” The sixth article of faith, says the following:
ARTICLE OF FAITH The sixth article of faith, says the following: 6 We believe in the same aorganization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, bprophets, cpastors, dteachers, eevangelists, and so forth.
ARTICLE OF FAITH Can you repeat the 6th article of faith? You should try to memorize all or part of it. Would anyone like to try to say it from memory now?
Discussion Can you think of some special reasons why you want to become members of the only true Church on the Earth? Here are some reasons you might of thought of: 1. To obey Heavenly Father. 2. To have Jesus’ teachings to guide us. 3. To be forgiven for our sins. 4. To receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. 5. To return and live with Heavenly Father and Jesus. 6. To be a member of God’s kingdom on earth.
We all have the privilege of being a member of his Church. Enrichment Activity 1 Since Jesus’ true Church has been restored to the earth, we can learn the same things Jesus taught when he was on earth. We all have the privilege of being a member of his Church. Listen to the following story:
Enrichment Activity 1 “My name is Ila Marie Goodey. I am fourteen years old and I have had polio for eleven years. … I’m staying in the Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City. … “Ever since I can remember, my parents have instilled the thought in my mind that the most important thing in my life is my Church and my Heavenly Father. … I have learned to love [the] Church with all my heart. …
Enrichment Activity 1 “My parents taught me how important baptism is, so I looked forward eagerly to my own baptism. When I finally turned eight, I was in the hospital and it was the doctor’s opinion that I couldn’t leave the hospital even long enough to be baptized.
Enrichment Activity 1 I was heartbroken and I begged Dad to have me baptized while I was still eight. But it looked as though I would have to wait until I was well enough to get out, and no one knew when that would be.
Enrichment Activity 1 “My parents taught me how important baptism is, so I looked forward eagerly to my own baptism. When I finally turned eight, I was in the hospital and it was the doctor’s opinion that I couldn’t leave the hospital even long enough to be baptized..
Enrichment Activity 1 “Then, [before my ninth birthday], my parents … and other relatives and friends came to the hospital, and I was baptized … in the [water] tank of our physical therapy room. I was confirmed a member of the Church I loved. … “Now, six years later, I have been asked to write this story to show others how very important being baptized was to me.
Enrichment Activity “… I would like … to tell all of you how thankful I am to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” Have any of you been to a baptism? Can you tell us about it.
TESTIMONY I want to testify to you that it is a privilege to be a member of Jesus’ true Church. The happiness the Church has brought into my life and to many others who are also members I am truly thankful for.
Our Closing Prayer will be given by (Enter Name Here)