RACISM IN SCHOOLS By Jenny Mower Howey
Helping to Stop Racism ◦There are many stereotypes involved in the local schooling systems. ◦When we intergrade different language styled settings, we then are able to expand the minds of our students. ◦For generations, Mormon missionaries from Utah have crisscrossed the globe and returned home speaking Tagalog and Xhosa. Now, with hopes of preparing students for a competitive world economy, the state is building one of the largest and most ambitious school-language programs in the nation. (JACK HEALY)
Review of my Workplace Listed on four records of the Boys and Girls club in Sandy. Not all of the students participated in the study. Out of all the children, they were asked three questions. Who speaks English as a first language, 2 who also speaks Spanish, and 3 who has a desire to learn Spanish. Most of the children who do not speak Spanish, have a desire to.
Plans for the Future The dual language programs start in first grade, and will eventually extend through middle school, with students taking advanced placement tests in ninth grade and then studying at a college level through the rest of high school. Right now, they can take classes in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin. German is likely to be next, and educators have discussed Arabic. ( Healty Jack)
Personal Experiences ◦Currently I work for the Boys and Girls Club of America. After beginning my time here, I have seen that many children are not receiving the proper care that they need when they are from other Countries. There was a little boy that I realized in class was not paying attention to me as I was teaching. He was instead staring downward, and looking really upset. After I had explained the directions to the class. The little boys friend turned to him and explained everything to him in Spanish. I apologized that I did not speak Spanish, and asked the friend to continue translating. ◦Recently I had the opportunity to read comments on an Instagram post by Beyoncé, after reading the horrible racist comments made by both White Americans, and black Americans. It was easy to come to the conclusion that we are not equal in everyone's eyes just yet.
Steps in Place to Help Us Integrate Students ◦Dual-language classes have existed for years, but they are now growing fast in many states as an outcry against bilingual education fades and educators look for ways to prepare American students for a polyglot global job market. But few have embraced the idea with such unlikely zeal as Utah, a state that passed an English-only law in 2000 and routinely ranks last in the nation on education spending ( Jack Healy)
Helping Spanish Speaking Kids Early On ◦It is important to study ways to increase Spanish- speaking children's English vocabulary while in early childhood before literacy gaps between them and English-only speaking children widen and the Spanish-speaking children fall behind," study author (Francisco Palermo) ◦Preschool is an ideal setting to study how [Spanish-speaking] children learn language because learning in preschool occurs mainly through social interactions, and languages are learned naturally by engaging in social interactions. ( Francsico Palermo)
Future Predictions I had 20 family members predict which language they believed would be the prominent one in 2050
Other Predictions ◦By 2030, as many as four in 10 students in the United States will be learning English as a second language, according to the Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence ◦If that is the case, then we should all be working hard at attending our own Spanish classes, and working on helping our society to grow closer to one another through language. If we understood and learned about the languages and cultures of others in our society, then we could hopefully reach a point in our time where we do not have riots like we have had in Baltimore the last couple days.
Books on Racism ◦The Skin I'm In: A First Look at Racism (A First Look at...Series) Racial discrimination is cruel—and especially so to younger children. This title encourages kids to accept and be comfortable with differences of skin color and other racial characteristics among their friends and in themselves. This story book for children fits in perfectly with my topic. Especially since I am working hard on getting children to accept one another at work everyday. ◦We're Different, We're the Same, Muppets, monsters, and humans compare noses, hair, and skin and realize how different we all are. But as they look further, they also discover how much we are alike. Another great example of a simple book with a powerful message behind its title. If we could get all of our children to accept one another as kids, then we would not be facing such great problems at an older age.
Works Cited ◦Robert Preidt, Early Exposure to English May Help Spanish-Speaking Kids in School, Web, Jan. 30, ◦Healy, Jack, New York Times, A State Seeks to Be Heard in a New World Economy, April 19, 2013.