Essay Writing and how to teach it. David Murphy
The Five Paragraph Essay and its parts Introduction Body Conclusion
The Function of the Parts how the five paragraph essay works Introduction – Organizes the essay, sets the structure, and tells the audience what the essay will talk about Body—provides details, support, logic, and/or examples Conclusion—restates the main idea of the essay and provides closure
An Easy Way to remember the parts of the five paragraph essay Introduction: Tell ´em what you´re gonna tell ´em. Body: Tell ´em. Conclusion: Tell ´em what you told ´em.
Thesis The term "thesis" comes from the Greek θέσις. It means "something put forth" and refers to an intellectual proposition. etymology and definition
The Thesis and its function The thesis is your argument, or opinion. paper´s claim, Give an example of a thesis.
Topic Sentences where they go and what they do Where do you think topic sentences go? What do you think topic sentences do?
Topic Sentences where they go and what they do Topic sentences go at the beginning of body paragraphs and the conclusion. Topic sentences introduce the paragraph´s topic.
Transition Words what they are and what they do Transition words move the writing smoothly from one idea to the next.
Transition Words what they are and what they do Agreement / Addition / Similarity in the first place not only... but also as a matter of fact in like manner in addition coupled with in the same way first, second, third and also then in light of not to mention to say nothing of equally important by the same token again correspondingly similarly furthermore additionally equally identically uniquely like too moreover as well as together with of course likewise comparatively
Opposition / Limitation / Contradiction Transition Words what they are and what they do although this may be true in contrast different from of course..., but on the other hand on the contrary at the same time in spite of even so / though be that as it may then again above all but (and) still unlike or (and) yet while albeit besides as much as even though although instead whereas in reality after all despite conversely otherwise however rather nevertheless nonetheless regardless notwithstanding
Transition Words what they are and what they do Cause / Condition / Purpose in the event that granted that as / so long as on condition that with this intention with this in mind in the hope that to the end that for fear that for the purpose of in order to seeing / being that in view of If... then unless when whenever while in case provided that given that only / even if so that so as to owing to inasmuch as due to because of as since while lest
Transition Words what they are and what they do overall ordinarily usually by and large to sum up on the whole in any event Conclusion / Summary / Restatement as can be seen generally speaking in the final analysis all things considered as shown above in the long run given these points as has been noted in a word in essence to summarize on balance altogether in either case all in all obviously ultimately definitely for the most part after all in fact in summary in conclusion in short in brief
Formatting Titles Capitalize the first word of the title and capitalize the: nouns verbs pronouns adverbs adjectives WH- words Rules Do not capitalize articles conjunctions prepositions
Contact Information David Murphy English Language Fellow