Problems with Bladder Control Presented by (insert name of presenter here)
Bladder Control Problems Problems of: Bladder Emptying Bladder Storage Bladder Storage
Bladder Emptying Problems Image source: Virginia Urology Center Obstructive conditions (e.g. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia [BPH]) Bladder Seminal Vesicle Prostate BPH constricting the urethra Urethra
Bladder Storage Problems Overactive Bladder Stress Incontinence Mixed Incontinence Overflow Incontinence
Overactive Bladder Frequency OVERACTIVE BLADDER Urgency Urge incontinence
Urinary Incontinence Definition: Urinary incontinence Urinary incontinence is uncontrolled leakage of urine causing hygienic and social problems.
Stress Incontinence Stress incontinence coughssneezes laughsjumpslifts something heavy Stress incontinence occurs when a small amount of urine escapes while the person coughs, sneezes, laughs, jumps or lifts something heavy.
Stress Incontinence (a) Continent woman (b) Woman with stress incontinence External urethral sphincter Sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure
Overflow Incontinence Overflow incontinence overfilled bladder Overflow incontinence happens when urine leaks from an overfilled bladder.
Overflow Incontinence
Mixed Incontinence Mixed incontinence urge incontinencestress incontinence Mixed incontinence occurs when a person has both the symptoms of urge incontinence and stress incontinence.
Mixed Incontinence Sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure Uninhibited detrusor contractions
Factors Associated with Bladder Control Problems Age Childbirth Gender Menopausal Status Surgery Prostate enlargement Lifestyle Medications Concomitant illnesses
Direct Cost of Urinary Incontinence in the USA US $ billion
Urinary Incontinence is Common Among Older Adults Men Women Percentage of respondents in each age group >85 Age (years)
10 Warning Signs of Bladder Control Problems #1 leakage Any leakage of urine
#2 coughingsneezing laughingorstanding Leakage of urine, regardless of amount, on coughing, sneezing, laughing or standing 10 Warning Signs of Bladder Control Problems
#3 wayto thetoilet Leaking urine on the way to the toilet 10 Warning Signs of Bladder Control Problems
#4 over six years Bed wetting at any age over six years 10 Warning Signs of Bladder Control Problems
#5 unable to hold on An urgent need to pass urine, being unable to hold on 10 Warning Signs of Bladder Control Problems
#6 Passing urine more frequently than 8 times a day small amounts and only passing small amounts 10 Warning Signs of Bladder Control Problems
#7 Blood Blood in the urine 10 Warning Signs of Bladder Control Problems
#8 Inability Inability to urinate (retention of urine) 10 Warning Signs of Bladder Control Problems
#9 Pain Pain when passing urine 10 Warning Signs of Bladder Control Problems
#10 weakness stops and starts Progressive weakness of the urinary stream or a stream that stops and starts instead of flowing out smoothly Image source: Malaysian Urological Association 10 Warning Signs of Bladder Control Problems
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